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BlogRoy was usually a mild tempered guy but at times he could go off. at times when we weren't at southern pines working on the olds, we would be at Roy's garage where we were putting a 60 ford together. something would go wrong and roy would tell me...1 Comments Likeswhen you rode with soapy, you took your life in your own hands. had a 56 cadilac with 59 eldorado engine and a chet hurbet racing cam ant two 4 bbls.it was 100 pmh no matter if it was going to the store or on a trip with or with out the race car...1 Comments Likeswe were going through inspection with the olds the heads passed but when I presented the carburater, the inspector failed it saying the venturies were too big. I took the carb back to the race car and layed it in the trunk. there were two girls...1 Comments LikesI'm looking for a bobby Isaac 1/18 scale car 71 rc2 diecast if anybody has 1 for sale.Comments Likesme,neil and his wife went down to Spook Crawfords garage the week of the rebel 300 1960. Spook had a 60 and a 58 ford getting ready. it was after dark and one of spooks cars had some body work done on the rear and had repainted the car. he had an...1 Comments Likeswe had a race at Columbia SC one night, we had had a string of rain outs and the pettys didn't bring a crew figuring another rain out. it was cloudy,cold and the pits were a lot of mud.I volenteered to help pit richards car as they were beside us...1 Comments LikesBuck Baker had some buildings at the Charlotte Airport rented where he worked on his and buddys cars. me and neil took our car over there as the Richmond race was coming up in a few days with a sat. night stop at Bowman grey then on to Richmond...1 Comments Likesyou know the old saying,your never too old to learn. well I just learned something that nearly bowled me over. being an old flat head racer from the past,I have always had a love for the old engine with the stromberg carburater. now I learn of the...2 Comments Likeseach year the grand national cars went on a northern tour. Neil didn't want to go so we stayed behind. John Moose was promoting a race at a dirt track over in kanapolis for the local guys small dirt track. John called soap and told him he would...3 Comments LikesI was with neil (soap) when we had a dirt race at Hickory speedway one night. after the race, we loaded up, hooked up the tow bar and rolled out of the track headed home to Charlotte. shortly afterward we saw Roy Tyner pulled over on the shoulder...1 Comments Likesthe 1969 Rebel 300 was the wildest of them all. Joe Weatherly was leading the race when the yellow came out for rain. he was leading and made a pit stop for fuel but most of the others didn"t the race was then stopped and rescheduled for the next...Comments LikesAt Darlington little Joe brought a box of those little cracker ball firecracker to the garage area and scattered them all over the garage floor, all morning you could hear a loud bank, a thump, noise made when a mechanics head hit the bottom of...2 Comments Likes
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