• Using The RacersReunion® Blog

    blogicon.png * The blog is for ....blogs. It is not for questions, discussions, and random comments...unless you're leaving a comment on a blog. Please use our Forum for questions, discussions, and random comments. *

    Please Blog!

    1. What's a Blog?  - For starters...200, 300, 400, or more words about any subject one can relate to racing.

    2. How Do I Post A Blog? - Go to your profile page. Your profile has a second tab bar just under your header image.  Click on the "Blog" tab on your profile tab bar (not the Blog tab at the top of the page) and then click the + sign just under that tab bar on the right side. Add a Title, Category, and start writing....or pasting if you have your content already in a word doc.

    Let Us Know if your have any problems or need some help. Use the Forum  for, that please.

  • Blog
    Saturday May 11 2013, 11:55 PM
    My uncle Bobby, who got me hooked on racing one night when I was not yet quite 6 years old, was never one to plan ahead, or, if he did, he never let me in on it. I remember all the years I went to races with him I never knew until a day or two...
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    Wednesday April 10 2013, 5:30 PM
    GUYS, THIS IS THE DEFINITION OF LOVE!!!!!!!! My loving wife Diana bought me 20 laps at the Dale Jarrett Racing Experience, and you will never guess the track!!!!! TALLADEGA!!!!! She either loves me or has taken out a huge insurance policy on...
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    Wednesday April 10 2013, 10:12 AM
    I've set up a website to continue to gather information including pictures and videos of Tunis Speedway in Waterloo, Iowa, which operated from 1948 to 1983. The website address is www.tunisspeedway.com . I also have a Facebook group page that...
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    Victory by the Dave Marcis Oldsmobile at the SVRA/HSR West event at Thunderhill April 8th, 2013The Racers Drive supported 1979 Dave Marcis NASCAR Oldsmobile enjoyed its maiden 2013 outing around the 3.0 mile Thunderhill Raceway track by scoring...
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    Monday April 1 2013, 5:51 PM
    Just wanted to let everyone know that Bud Greene former hauler driver/crew member and recent retiree with Penske passed away Saturday in Boone N.C. Don't know plans for services,keep the Greene family in your prayers.
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    I enjoyed spending a couple of days with Jeremy Clements and the JCR crew this past weekend at Fontana. This is the second race weekend I've spent with the team and it was an interesting experience getting reacquainted with the group especially...
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    Sunday March 17 2013, 1:31 PM
    Happy Birthday wishes to Racing PioneerTiger Tom Pistone!!!
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    Cunningham Motorsports Reports Successful Test Days at Gresham and Mobile March 4, 2013 Cunningham Motorsports Crew Chief Paul Andrews reports being very pleased with the performances put in by the crew and the driver...
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    Thursday February 28 2013, 12:42 PM
    With Speed Weeks behind us, we would like to once again take a moment to congratulate the 2013 LLOAR Award Recipients. The awards were presented at the Living Legends 21st Annual Awards Banquet on Wednesday evening, February 20, 2013 at the Shores...
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    Thursday February 28 2013, 12:29 PM
    It has not been our practice to use our page as a platform to hand out accommodations to our members. This year, however, is the exception. Tuesday and Wednesday the Living Legends of Auto Racing hosted two major events. Tuesday marked our auction...
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    Wednesday February 27 2013, 11:00 AM
    Active Members of the RacersReunion.com site are most appreciated - Posting and adding to the conversations/blog posts/discussions and commenting in groups and pictures are helping this site become the BEST place on the web for race fans and...
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    Racers Drive was pleased to join Paul and Evelyn Andrews at the Daytona Beach Rotary Club Stock Car Racing Hall of Fame Awards dinner held on February 18th at the Shores Resort in Daytona Beach Shores, Florida.Over 400 attendees were at the Shores...
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