LLOAR says Thank You
Living Legends of Auto Racing
Thursday February 28 2013, 12:29 PM

It has not been our practice to use our page as a platform to hand out accommodations to our members. This year, however, is the exception. Tuesday and Wednesday the Living Legends of Auto Racing hosted two major events. Tuesday marked our auction and autograph session and Wednesday our 21st Annual Awards Banquet. Both of these events were a huge success. As co-coordinators of these events, Paulette Mandala and I, (Donna Wollman) received many compliments on both events. We appreciate the compliments, however, our Speed Weeks success belongs to the army of volunteers, the loyal members of our organization who gave of their time, their skills and their energy for the Living Legends. Both Paulette and I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank these individuals for their hard work, dedication and team spirit.

Judy Allison, Pat Allison, Art Anderson, Lilly Anderson, Joan Andres, Ken Andres, David Axelrod, George Blank, Fred Brown, Gail Brown, Dave Dion, JT Dunn, Karen Dunn, Geraldine Fox, Melissa Fox, Dot Gladis, Bonnie Goodrich, Hank Goodrich, Michelle Hess, Gary Howard, Dave Keziah, Lisa Keziah, Helen Melewski, Stacie Melewski, Fred McKaig, Caron Myers, Chocolate Myers, Nancy Osterhout, Russ Parker, Marsha Pruitt, Eddie Roche, Sue Rohn, Gary Smith, Jim Spaulding, Anne Walsh, John Walsh, Nanci West, Jim Wollman and Geoff Yoder.

Tim Leeming
@tim-leeming   12 years ago
Thanks for all your organization does to preserve our heritage.