Chuck Piazza

The Northern Years (1965)

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Chuck Piazza at Stateline Speedway
Speedway Busti , NY in Berglund Chevrolet entry.
Chuck Piazza
@chuck-piazza   14 years ago
For all the classic purists, this will hurt!. This race car was an original 1964 Chevelle with factory installed 396 engine, one of only 200 special cars manufactured in that year and ordered by Berglund Chevrolet of Jamestown,NY. The 396 engine was bullet proof with amazing torque and power. Front weight of the car was biased, with the heavier engine the car was at a disadvantageunder"slick" conditions against the small block cars. The car was a dominant factor on long races when tracks began to get in a dry slick condition.Chassis set ups and tire selection were demanding and ongoing! Chuck Piazza
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