Boris & The Biff

Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,138 posts
After today's Watkins Glen race Boris Said was asking for any viewers to text him Greg Biffle's home address so he could look him up and give him a black eye (Boris' words, not mine). I happen to like both drivers and did note Boris stating cars were too expensive to tear up and he would rather settle his differences with a fist. Interesting. I guess making such statements on live tv could be considered "telegraphing your punch."

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"

updated by @dave-fulton: 04/06/17 08:51:53PM
William Horrell
14 years ago
175 posts

It seems they don't call him Boris ''SAID'' for nothing..I would kinda, sorta lay my money on Said head in the fisticuff dept.if I were judging by impression.

Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,138 posts

What happened with Ragan was another "coulda been fatal hit" also involving David Reutimann that prompted my SAFER Barrier comments previously. Here's a clip:

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Jim Wilmore
14 years ago
488 posts
Biff should have took one for the ratings
TMC Chase
14 years ago
4,073 posts

As a Petty fan, I was first and foremost elated to see an RPM car in victory lane. I'm so passionate about the number 43, but I really dig Marcos in the 9 - much more so than Kasey Kahne.

So with the Ambrose win, the rest of the post-race stuff was just gravy. Biffle was probably right that Boris erred on that last lap. But Boris was right about how Biff chose to handle the post-race and even the in-race battles (flipping him off and such).

What I liked most was how Boris said it on TV. No sponsors to plug, no Coke or Pepsi or Red Bull in hand, no reference to a inanimate number (i.e. he said Biffle vs 'the 16'), and plenty of unscripted angry yet humorous venting. The other thing I liked was Boris said it RIGHT THERE. He didn't wait to jump on Twitter later to have his say. I enjoy Twitter, but it wears me about how Hamlin, Johnson, Kez, etc. now say things there that they're afraid to say on TV.

And I agree with what's been said here. Its not Boris vs. Biff that's the issue - that's just the sideshow. It was the blunt licks that Hamlin, KuBu, Ragan and Reuty that really need to be examined.

Schaefer: It's not just for racing anymore.
14 years ago
363 posts

Ragan shouldn't have tried to push Boris off the track. Boris held his ground and stayed in the gas and we have a terrible wreck. It was the last lap and I see no fault on Boris's part. Lift or stay in the gas on the last lap... whats your call.

Biffle didn't handle this well.

Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,138 posts
Yep, Jim, we did get a "show." That last restart was worth the proce of admission.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts
....and it is interesting this kind of show comes from a road course. Every time I say what I'm about to say, somebody gets on my case, but....THIS is what the sport has been missing. We need to get these polished sports model drivers out in the open and let em show they have what it takes to back up their actions. All through history, when you showed up at a race track you knew there might be some "physical" contact with another driver. It is one of the things that has "governed" the sport for past decades. If you're going to show your butt on the track, you should expect and be ready to get it kicked off the track....or back up your actions

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,138 posts

Picturing Darth Vader placing a "Kick Me" sign onbest friend's back, lol!


Per "Rules of Engagement"... Not a political statement.....

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,138 posts
You just know that if Humpy were still at CMS, he'd be planning some kinda tag team match booking with RC & Boris vs. Rowdy & the Biff!

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Jay Coker
14 years ago
177 posts
Sure looked like to me Ragan had the position coming out of 1. Boris should've surrendered the spot, but instead, he recklessly turned the 6 and caused a big mess.
Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts
Now thats funny!

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts

In this clip, it was pretty clear that Biff did rather quickly scoot behind the big guys...seemingly for cover. I believe Boris meant every word and meant to kick butt....and I believe Biff knew Sorry Biff!...But the evidence is pretty conclusive.

I would also like to point out evidence of a veteran race track scrapper...notice who still had his helmet on.

I've been a Biffle fan for a long time...he has financially supported our RR Hall of Fame. I respect him greatly. But I'm also a Said Head and love a little post-race action in the pits.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,138 posts
Not like the old days in Fayetteville when Roy Tyner cracked heads with tire tools. I myself moved very fast one Friday night at the dirt Wake County Speedway in Raleigh in 1973 when a pistol appeared in the pits. Didn't knowyou could get under a trailer that quickly!

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
William Horrell
14 years ago
175 posts


I believe it was Sam Sommers at Myrtle Beach that Roy took a tire tool to and was reprimanded by Nascar...He put a hurt on Sam's head that night for sure. Roy was little but carried a mean ''swing''.

I also experienced the pistol thing one night at the old Leland racetrack and YES I know that one can get under a trailer that fast...

Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,138 posts
William, you are correct. Bobby Williamson and several others mentioned that on the Racing Through History broadcast, with Bobby having been in the middle of it. They say it started when Sam and Tommy Bostic were involved in some on track action. Roy wasn't racing. Sounded pretty nasty.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,138 posts

I thought I remembered everything from Richmond, but that I don't. I do remember Richmond's Tommy Ellis racing down pit road at Langley and rear ending winner Bill Dennis from Richmond at speed after the conclusion of a big LMS race. Terrible Tommy got a big suspension from NASCAR for that one. One of the funniest moments I ever witnessed at Richmond was when the late Dale Earnhardt ran into long retired Richmond driver Sonny Hutchins. Earnhardt told the press corps that Sonny was the dirtiest driver he'd ever raced. Never at a loss for words, Sonny replied, "Taught you well, didn't I son?!"

Sonny Hutchins, Bobby Allison, Bill Dennis

"Terrible" Tommy Ellis

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,138 posts

Actually found this account of how the Sonny Hutchins / Dale Earnhardt "friendship" began in this excerpt from the joint autobiography of Don and Nikki Finke:

"My good friend Neil Culley, owner of Stock Car Products in Richmond, Virginia and previous owner, Emanuel Zervakis (deceased) known as 'The Golden Greek from Fallen Creek,' recounts his first remembrance of Dale Earnhardt as follows: Emanuel and Neil owned a new Nova #01 racecar driven by Sonny Hutchins. During the running of the February 1978 Late Model Sportsman Race at Richmond Fairgrounds, Earnhardt in an older Nova #8, was running a lap down, Sonny was in the lead, Earnhardt was not ready to be put down anotherlap, so Sonny had to put Earnhardt in the wall and Sonny went on to win the race. Several weeks later, the same scenario redeveloped at Martinsville and Sonny once again had to put Earnhardt in the wall to get around him and again Sonny won the race. After the race, Earnhardt went over to Sonny, with Neil and Emanuel standing by, and he introduced himself. With a smile on his face, Earnhardt said, 'I guess I will have to learn to stay out of your way.' I believe Sonny had just taken Earnhardt to school on how to earn the nickname 'The Intimidator.'"

You had to have observed Sonny to really appreciate this. Sonny was not a fighter and not loud. After the races he held court at the hauler laughing and smiling and making everyone think that whatever had happened must have been their fault. Sonny was a smooth talker.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
William Horrell
14 years ago
175 posts

There is one incicdent that was never talked about much but if my memory serves me correctly,

Seems I remember thataround '83 or '84 David Pearson took offense tothe late Tim Richmondgiving him the one finger salute for some reason in the Firecracker race in Daytona and followed him to the garage area where he quickly with one hand ''gave him his respect''.

Anyone else remember this, or did I dream it?

Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts
No, you didn't dream it. I've heard that from David and from someone else....maybe Barry.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
William Horrell
14 years ago
175 posts
Thank you Jeff. I thought I had David mention it when I worked with him in '85...That was the only account that I had heard and never heard about it again.
Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,138 posts

Here is an outstanding 25 year old newspaper article from the Orlando Sentinel about "Terrible Tommy" Ellis, currently serving a prison sentence for tax evasion. The article goes back to Tommy's roots in 1970, chronicling several episodes of misbehavior. I will say something nice about Tommy - in the late 80s I was in the lounge of the Holiday Inn in Dover, Delaware, having consumed numerous beverages. I leaned back in my chair and it went out from under me. Tommy Ellis, seated beside me with his wife, caught me before my head hit the concrete floor and cracked open. For that I have always been grateful.

Terrible Tommy Hopes To Change Bad Image

February 13, 1986

By Tim Povtak of The Sentinel Staff

Cocky Tommy Ellis, just a kid with a boulder on his shoulder, was leaning on the fender of his Chevy Nova at South Boston (Va.) Speedway 15 years ago (1971) when a track official came walking past. ''Hey,'' Ellis hollered, not even knowing his name, ''you tell them upstairs to get on the microphone and tell the fans here that I'm Tommy Ellis. And I'm going to win the race tonight. I'm going to smoke 'em.'' The P.A. announcer, always looking to stir up some excitement, made the annoucement. The usual track favorites turned around and scowled at the brash newcomer. The grandstands stirred. The kid puffed his chest. Ellis smoked 'em that night. No brag, just fact. ''Terrible Tommy'' was born. Ellis will start only his second125-mile Twin Qualifier today, then make his Daytona 500 debut Sunday, ending an incredibly long journey to reach the stock-car Super Bowl. ''There was a time in my life when I thought I'd never make it,'' Ellis, 38, said during a break in practice. ''But not because I wasn't talented enough. I've never doubted my talent. I just didn't think I'd ever get the break I needed.'' Everyone always knew he was a top driver, but sponsors and car owners shied away from the ''Terrible Tommy'' reputation. Although the nickname offends him now, through the '70s he almost reveled in it, adding chapters at short tracks across his home state of Virginia. He is short and stocky, but he always raced big, outwardly challenging the resident champion at every track. No one intimidated Ellis, but often they tried. Incumbent champions who raced dirty against him on the track had to answer him afterward in the pits. His hometown Richmond, Va., newspapers often carried pictures of other Sportsman cars crashing with Ellis, then fighting him later in the pits. He became a hero to the little guys, but a hated rival of the established, big- money teams. He was home-grown and his operation virtually homemade. His biggest rivalry was with Sonny Hutchins and Ray Hendrick, two older, established drivers who used to rule the short tracks near Virginia. They were riled by his flare. Fans often came just to see Ellis and Hutchins battle, often smashing each other out of the race. Short-track promoters loved him. ''I never wanted to hold a race without him,'' said Bill Dyer, South Boston Speedway promoter. ''Fans either loved him or hated him. It's great to see him finally get a good chance at the big time, but I hate to lose him. If people who watch racing in Daytona think Dale Earnhardt is aggressive, wait until they see Tommy Ellis.'' At Lonesome Pine Speedway in Coeburn, Va., a fight that started on the track and spilled into the pits got so bad that the police had to turn out the lights at the track so they could escort Ellis out in the dark without restarting the riot. After one battle with Hutchins on the track, an argument in the pits grew so heated that Ellis punched Hutchins' car owner,Emanuel Zervakis,breaking his nose. At a Sportsman race in Oxford, Maine, one year, Ellis and Geoff Bodine were using adjoining pits, and both had top cars. An argument started between the teams and ended with both sides throwing lug nuts at the other. The rivalry grew so intense with Hutchins that trouble often was expected. Someone once came into the restaurant Hutchins owned in Richmond and threw battery acid over everything, including Sonny's face. He always wore a beard after that. Ellis, people thought, was somehow responsible. In actuality, neither he nor his crew had anything to do with it. His driving style was ultra-aggressive. At one time, he wore gaudy, black patent leather driving shoes with a stripe down the middle, just to let people know who he was. In one Richmond newspaper picture, there was a pile of bodies grappling on the ground after a race. The only recognizable item was his black patent leather shoe with a stripe. Ellis was in there somewhere. He didn't often start the fights, but he never backed down from one either. He also believed in paybacks. In another Sportsman race in Indianapolis, rival Tommy Houston was trailing Ellis and fouled him with a dirty move. Houston went on to win. Ellis, though, was the first to Houston's defense when NASCAR wanted to fine him. He'd repay him in his own way. ''He was just racing hard,'' Ellis told officials. Ellis has been fined by NASCAR and warned numerous times for his short- track run-ins. But through it all, Ellis kept plugging. He built his own car, he ran the pit crew, he set up the chassis. He worked tirelessly, just like he drives. He has been racing for a living since 1970 and won the Late Model Sportsman championship in 1981. From 1976 to 1980, he won at least 20 races each year. The last two years he drove part-time on the Winston Cup circuit, but not until this season did he have much chance to win races. He finally found a big-money team (Eric Freedlander Racing) and a top-flight crew chief (Buddy Parrot). He has reached his promised land. ''If it wasn't for the reputation, I probably would have been here five years ago,'' Ellis said. ''I was always so hard-headed before. I wouldn't compromise. I've just now matured. Only thing, it took me longer than most folks.'' With his new team, Ellis suddenly finds himself with the stars. He qualified at 202.493 mph, 12th-best for the race, and is capable of staying with the leaders.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,138 posts
Down goes Arie, Down goes Arie, Down goes Arie.... (if Cossell was calling it)

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,138 posts

And just in case anybody doesn't think AJ's tough, check this:

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
William Horrell
14 years ago
175 posts
You guys nailed it with A.J. He is all meat and no potatoes!You gotta love Super Tex.