Need your feedback

Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts

Now that we have had some time to digest the new site design, I'd like to know your thoughts. What do like? What do you dislike? What would you like to see done differently?

The basic change was making the site a "two-column" format rather than three. This enables me to utilize a more standard ad size.


With the new home page at we have a very visible blog roll. I would love to have some of you contribute your writing. You can upload your blogs here on the Stock Car site and I'll take the ones that do not require a lot of editing and place them out front.

I want the new home page to be a sampling of what folks can find inside. We are working on a way to take the feed from our events calendar out front as well.


Over the past few weeks I've gotten several emails from folks who say they visit less because they feel the site has become "too negative". I have always allowed folks to express their opinions as long as they are not hurtful to others. But, I do not want RacersReunion to be looked upon as "negative" in any way. All the work we have put into this is for positive recognize and keep alive the contributions of early participants of our sport....and to support local racing.

All your comments and opinions are welcome.


Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®

updated by @jeff-gilder: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts

I think ning will add back the ability to personalize your page at some point, but they removed that feature with the latest design suite release. Photo organization is something we've been asking not know if that ability will be available anytime soon. We instruct all contributors to tag photos in effort to make the search more effective. The same is true for the clubs, the best way to find things is still the search.
Sorry, I can't promise more solutions to your requests.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Tim Leeming
14 years ago
3,119 posts

I like the new Home Page and I like the new format on Stock Car RR too because it does give us a two column, clean and neat appearance. For someone looking at it the first time it is very professional appearing and that is certainly what we want.

As for looking at the pictures, everyday I check out the new additions. I literally spend hours per week going through all the historic pictures, just picking a page number to start and keep on clicking through. Seems I never tire of seeing those cars and drivers from the beautiful days of racing.

Blogs? I used to write everything as a blog but then discovered many people didn't read the blogs because they had to sign in to access them while on the Forum they could just click up the page and could read all the Forum posts and responses. I have no problem going back to blogs. Whichever works, but I have been remiss about writing lately due to other committments.

I am, as much as anyone, guilty of negative posts and negative remarks on several issues but overall I am NOT a negative person. In fact, most everyone who knows me thinks I have that "Pollyanna Positive Attitude" about everything. Looking deep within, I see that my negativitiy is not a good thing for me and most certainly not for Racers Reunion. I shall immediately set about correcting that.

Within this group of people who make up the "core" of Racers Reunion, are some of the finest people I've ever encountered. I will not attempt to name names here but most of you who will take the time to read this know about whom I speak. We, collectively, represent the history of the sport in our efforts to preserve the memories of those heroes we enshrine in OUR Hall of Fame and in the events we promote and attend. We also represent the future of the sport for in order for there to be a last tribute to the pioneers, it is all of us who must educate those new to the sport and the youngsters coming along that the sport did NOT start in 1980 but did indeed have tracks before Daytona and drivers before D.W. that grew the sport to the giant it is.

It is easy to get negative about what has happened within NASCAR the past, say, 8 to 10 years. But, almost every one of us who will truly admit it, knows that NASCAR is OUR sport and those "other guys" had better not have anything bad to say about it. It still ticks me off when Friday evening sports on the local channel will talk about anything else except qualifying for the upcoming race. I get miffed that Friday's sports section of my local newspaper puts "Recruiting News for College Football Players" in big print and runs through a list of kids I've never heard of and probably never will again after I put down the paper.

This year, 2011, started with a super Daytona 500, won by the NEXT generation and a car from the PAST generation. Then Jeff Gordon wins in Phoenix but I haven't figured out which generation he belongs to yet. Crowds are returning, tv ratings are going up, the racing is better so there are postive things to look at there. But, having said that, we must remember that WE, Racers Reunion, are dedicated to preserving the history. While I'm sure there were negative things going on back then, all my memories are good memories of a life lived through racing. It's easy to forget the bad and remember only the good, I am really good at that.

So, be it resolved by The Legend, that only positive thoughts and comments will be eminating from this little corner of the Racers Reunion World. Let's talk about the good memories and talk about making this site the place where anyone, young orold, can come in, sit down, and read good things about the sport.


What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Russell Rector
14 years ago
80 posts
As with anything that changes, it just takes a little getting used to. I see nothing wrong with the changes that have been done. As for the negativity, I'm probably guilty. Since I've gotten older, I am more opinionated.Chalk it up to caring about this sport.
14 years ago
363 posts
I don't want the past buried, but I don't want everyone comparing todays racing with that of our favorite era. That racing is gone and we all miss it. Move on. The site looks pretty good. It took me a few visits to get use to it. I have gotten comfortable with the new format, but I have to admit that the older I get the less I like change. Great job.
Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts

There is absolutely nothing wrong with sharing opinions. I never want folks to hold back on that.....that is one of the purposes be heard. We ARE the fan base that popularized OUR sport. We have all the right to express our opinions regarding changes to the sport. I really think the fact that folks have been outspoken is helping...maybe a little.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
N.B. Arnold
14 years ago
121 posts

There are things I like about each format. For me personally, I don't like the darker colors used in the new format. The asthetics to me are not as appealing. I do understand the ad part.

I do not like not having the most recent photographs featured, as I enjoy seeing a sample of all of the photos put up. I think it was sort of an honor to have a photograph selected to be featured.

Ilike using the blog area the way it is. I think that is a more user friendly area to post for everyone to give their opinions. Everyone has different opinions on just about every topic. We have a personal responsibility to police ourselves and have you oversee it.

I findoutcurrentnews about people and events that I would not have known about otherwise. Iwould like to see more written articles about historic events, places, cars and drivers;a sort of documented resource to go to for information.

The growth this site has seen is very encouraging. These are just growing pains, and you are not going to please everyone no matter what you do. We thank you for letting us give our input. That is what will keep RR on the right track - no pun intended.

Robin L. Agner
14 years ago
169 posts
I did not like the changes at first but the more I visit RR the better I like the changes.
Robert Mitchell
14 years ago
327 posts
N.B. Arnold said:

"I do not like not having the most recent photographs featured, as I enjoy seeing a sample of all of the photos put up. I think it was sort of an honor to have a photograph selected to be featured."

I've felt the same way. I really enjoyed the way it was before. I haven't felt as compelled to post photos since the change.

It would be nice if the featured videos could be rotated every now and then, also. The ones showing are great but they've been featured going on a year now. It would probably encourage more video viewing. There's some really good ones in there.

Jeff, you do a great job with this site and the whole operation. Thanks for everything you do.

Steve Struve
14 years ago
47 posts

Jeff, The site is OK, however you wish to format it. There are a few things that COULD change, if you get around to it. (I KNOW how much time this takes...). Many of the previous suggestions, or wishes, are valid and some changes may made - that's the evolution ofany site. I think it's terriffic that you have asked what we think. Usually its Take It Or Leave it. Thanks for that.

As a photo contributor I would also like to see some sort capabilities, but I also understand that would probably require all of the existing items to be edited somewhat (Tags, topics, etc). Not sure if you could rely on the original posters to go back in and make those updates. Might be better if you have a Photo Committee with editing powers, for photos other than their own, and let them slowly bring every shot up to some pre-determined format. Then there could be many different sort capabilities.

Personally, I'd like to see a log-in window on the main page. (Used to be this way, and if you have the program remember you, typing in the first few letters of your e-mail address will self-fill in the rest.). Now I need to go to a second screen to get a login box. Same thing for the sign out - I'd make the signout a button, of some contrasting color, like the Donate button. One click exit would be easier that way.

Just a few things - it really ain't broke so you don't have to fix it. But chances are you will get some good suggestions worthy of future consideration. Thanks.

Steve Struve

14 years ago
91 posts


I love the new professional look. It's clean, gives the advertisers (the companies that pay the bills) a prominent spot and just overall a place for everyone to be a part of.

Any chance we might be able to get some smilies? They don't always have a place, but when a person is being taken the wrong way if they add a smiley it can change the direction of their true intention of their post.

I thank all of you left-turners for enlightening this straight-liner about your sport and for the many friendships that have evolved. :-)