22,000 and counting

Johnny Mallonee
16 years ago
3,259 posts
Just to show how the site has grown have you even thought of going back and finding a picture you saw a couple months ago?I did and it was waaaaay back. Racers Reunion has grown to the extent that this not some little organization built in a garage with a dozen or so old racers drinking ice tea and telling stories. No sir its a major player in todays world of faltering major league racing,no its not a pillar of NASCAR but its an independently formed and sponsored within itself organization of old time racing which is returning to the mainstream of racing as it was back in the day. local tracks are picking up on it and slowely but surely gaining speed,and now with its own broadcasting society and media center it is set to begin world wide broadcasting,no wait it happened two weeks ago,it went world wide,now next move is to ward off the paparazzi so no unwanted exposure is posted. So if you are a part of the move hang on if not please step aside because Racers Reunion is ready for the new year and trust me,no trust in our leader its going to be a blast .
updated by @johnny-mallonee: 12/05/16 04:00:58PM
Johnny Mallonee
16 years ago
3,259 posts
Oh and by the way there are over 6,000 members here and growing ---wow what a whirlwind this is going to be
Jeff Gilder
16 years ago
1,784 posts
Sounds good to me!!! Its hard for me to believe this year is almost over....but it is equally hard to believe that we have only been at it for two years. It will be two years January 25th. 2010.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Pete Banchoff
16 years ago
279 posts
Does the 22,000 also include the pics that are put up in the fan pages as comments but not in the photo section? If not that 22,000 is LOW!Pete, getting cold in Michigan
Johnny Mallonee
16 years ago
3,259 posts
i dont even have a clue if you add the ones posted to the forum or discussion thats only whats pasted on main page i dont even know if there is a counter for that but will ck with big "D" on that Pete Banchoff said:
Does the 22,000 also include the pics that are put up in the fan pages as comments but not in the photo section? If not that 22,000 is LOW!
Pete, getting cold in Michigan
Jeff Gilder
16 years ago
1,784 posts
Nope...no counters on the ones added to comments on the forum..etc. The only ones counted and searchable are the ones on the photo pages. By the way...there are over 11,000 vintage drag racing photos already on the drag site. Several hundred on the open wheel, road racing...etc sites. so we are nearing 8,000 members and 35,000 photos all of rr.com. We could explode the site(s) by advertising ...but we would get the wrong crowd. we would rather have it grow at this pace....by word-of-mouth...and keep a membership of like-minded folks who appreciate what we stand for.Have you noticed Joe hasn't been on much since I suspended Hannah. Do you think he is po'd?

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Pete Banchoff
16 years ago
279 posts
Jeff, with the 6 fan pages (clubs) I have set up for some of our local Michigan drivers there are 210 pics that are on the fan pages that aren't included in the photo section of RR. Most are from collectors who add them to comments to make it easier to keep track of and start stories on the fan page. Some of these are rare and I know so many more pictures that won't be put up for fear them going all over the internet. There could be thousands of pictures listed on the fan pages in addition to the RR photo section of 22,000.As far as growing slowly, I really appreciate that. This way I'm comfortable in displaying and sharing pictures with other fans of racing.Pete
Leon Phillips
16 years ago
626 posts
Boy that is something i am glad i am a Diehard R R Fan
Bill Hupp
16 years ago
32 posts
I know sometimes I'll find a really cool pic, throw it up to share with you guys, and by the time anyone gets to see it all the recent activity pushes it clean off the page, so a lot of folks never know it was there. Still the coolest racin site ever though.
Pete Banchoff
16 years ago
279 posts
I have to agree that sometimes pictures get lost if they fall off the radar, but just to let you know Bill, I never miss anything you put up! I check your page to make sure. I appreciate the effort you put in searching for them and enjoy all of them.Pete
Ronda McKnight
16 years ago
63 posts
I am soooooo glad Jeff put me on to this site. This is awesome! I know that 2010 will be great for everyone. I can't wait! You guys are going to have to put up with me for a while. I have enjoyed everything here and I plan on stayin a while.
Bill Hupp
16 years ago
32 posts
Peter I am touched. Its one thing to have friends here, another to find you have a fan. I am now inspired to search the very bowels of the interwebs for great shots of motorsport.Seriously though, I had sort of run out of gas on these sites, but your comment does give me a new wind. Thank you. Pete Banchoff said:
I have to agree that sometimes pictures get lost if they fall off the radar, but just to let you know Bill, I never miss anything you put up! I check your page to make sure. I appreciate the effort you put in searching for them and enjoy all of them.