Forum Activity for @bill-hupp
Having the benefit of watching F1 over the years, where "team orders" are common, I am perhaps a little more used to it. The difference over there though is they'll say that's what they're doing.Yeah, I think John threw it. I was expecting him to. It is the downside of any team situation in any race.But I don't know if too much should be made of it. To expect any racers to be "honorable boy scouts" is naive, and I'm quite sure the Pedregons would have done the same thing in a reverse situation.
This can be a sensitive question but bear with me. Having followed motorsport since the sixties, I never liked death, but it was an accepted factor in the sport I fell in love with. Certain obvious safety issues, such as going off straight into the trees at grand prix venues, were addressed and dealt with.My issue now is, with all due respect and fond memories of those involved, were the deaths of Eric Medlen and Scotty Kalitta worthy of drag racing slicing part of it's very nature, that being 1/4 mile to 1000 ft?Both incidents, while of course tragic and sad, seemed to be anomolies to me, not really indicative of an obvious safety issue.Jeff Gordon got his bell rung last year, and said afterward that "No one should have to take a hit like that."Is motorsport becoming coddle safe? Should it? Am I just being old-fashioned for accepting that danger that was always there?
updated by @bill-hupp: 12/05/16 08:51:01AM
Is there a contest I missed?
Wow J.C. 3 sorrys in one sentence! No need to be apologetic friend, I was just curious.Kinda funny in a way-almost like RJ and his 256 photos a day-LOL (No offense RJ you know I love em!)
Is there a contest I missed?
Two members have been inviting left and right, to the point where I'm getting invites to fans of guys I never heard of. Over 100 invites and counting. I don't feel like I'm complaining or anything, it's just weird seeing a dozen or so in my mailbox every day.
So what does the winner get, hmmm? Free weekend stay at Jeff's place or something?
updated by @bill-hupp: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM is 2 years old today, January 25, 2010!
You know, one thing I've learned about life is that there is very little that is the "be all and end all". I stumbled across this site (and it's companions) while seeking info about a reunion for a now extinct local track. At first, it was merely refreshing to discuss racing with folks who knew more than just Dale Jr.Then everything kind of exploded. In exploring the web to find pics to contribute I have come across sites on old British stock car and drag racing, I have found pics of some of the local stuff around here in NE Ohio (including some dear old friends), I have learned there was a supermod built (and banned) with 3 wheels on one side and only 1 on the other, I found a pic from the very first drag race I attended, but most importantly, I have made friends with and bench-raced with folks who actually remember Friday Hassler or Maynard Troyer or Buddy Arrington. And that is the real pleasure this site offers.Thank you Jeff. Thank you Pete. Thank you Robbie and Ray and Johnny and RJ and all the others that make RR what it is.
Quite the Guest List
Sorry for the way the names came out-I tried to make columns. A little hard to read.
Quite the Guest List
Perhaps some of you remember that in September 1971 President Nixon hosted various racers and various race cars on the White House lawn. What you may not know was that there was a dinner afterwards, and I stumbled across the guest list for that dinner. Bear with me, these are not all stock car folks, but just the PARTIAL list included--Tony Adamowicz Andy Granatelli John Mecom J.C. Agajanian Vince GranatelliVel Miletich Bobby Allison Peter Gregg Donnie Allison Pete HamiltonDan Gurney Wally Parks Mario Andretti Carl Haas Roger PenskeGary Bettenhausen Pete Petersen George Bignotti Graham Hill Richard PettyTom Binford Phil Hill Lothar Motschenbacher Art Pollard Clyde BoltonJohn Holman Sam Posey Bob Bondurant Lindsey Hopkins Peter RevsonCraig Breedlove Deke Houlgate Les Richter Jimmy Caruthers Tony HulmanJohnny Rutherford Larry Dickson Denis Hulme Swede Savage Mark DonohueBobby Isaac Carroll Shelby Chris Economaki Parnelli Jones George SniderBill France Bill France Jr Mel Kenyon Gene Snow Joe LeonardRonnie Sox Dallas Gardner Tiny Lund Jackie Stewart James GarnerJoseph Mattioli Alec Ullmann Jim Gilmore Roger McCluskey Al UnserShav Glick Jim McElreath Bobby Unser Billy Vukovich Brock YatesI kinda wonder why A.J. evidently missed it, but what a party anyway!!
updated by @bill-hupp: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM