Forum Activity for @jeff-gilder

Jeff Gilder
01/14/17 02:36:33PM
1,784 posts

Emailing Other Members

Using The Site

[quote="Woody Delbridge"]

Just tested this with a Note to you.  Notes can only go to Followers.

Also, for others keeping up with this, I could not figure out how to send a note to more than one Follower.  Maybe (I hope) I missed something.  If not maybe it can be looked at down the road.

Thanks for all your hard work Jeff.  It will take some time but we'll do fine with the new site.


I was able to open up "Private Notes" so members can send private notes to non-followers. Still only one at a time...working on that.

Jeff Gilder
01/14/17 01:07:56PM
1,784 posts

Your New Home Page

Using The Site

With the latest round of changes we implemented a new template that allowed us to solve some of your concerns. One thing that might be confusing (as the result of this change) is where you land when you log in. The last template allowed us to land you on the "Activity" page where you could see all the latest site activity on the forum, blog, events, etc. The new template lands you on your new "home" page. It is very similar to the way Facebook works...with more features. You can access most of your content from your new home page by clicking the links in the "Stats" column on the left of the page.

rr home stats.PNG

From your "Home" page you can see all the latest activity from the "Timeline" in the center of the page. We're still working on this page. Expect to see more changes there.

Please not the "Activity" page is still here. You can access it from the navigation menu...just click on the "Activity" tab.


Here are some of the changes / improvements with this update.

1. You can now browse the "Members" page and see much more information about the members

2. You can now search the "Members" directory

3. We added a "Groups" searchable page to the navigation. Just click "Groups" from the navigation menu. 

4. We added a searchable "image gallery" page. It is in the navigation menu under "Photos". Click "Galleries" to search.

5. We expanded the site-wide search feature to return more results from the query.

We did not change anything related to how you post to the forum. We just simplified the look and feel.

1. To post on the forum click on "Forum" from the navigation and select the category for your post from the list


2. After you've selected the category, click the "+" icon on the right

plus 1.PNG

3. After you click the "+" icon create a title for your post, add your content, and click "Create Topic" at the bottom.

forum topic.PNG

I hope this helps. Please let us know of any problems you're having.

updated by @jeff-gilder: 01/21/17 01:27:44PM
Jeff Gilder
01/14/17 12:35:27PM
1,784 posts

Emailing Other Members

Using The Site

Thanks, Woody!

updated by @jeff-gilder: 01/18/20 05:20:38AM
Jeff Gilder
01/14/17 11:25:52AM
1,784 posts

Emailing Other Members

Using The Site

[quote="Woody Delbridge"]

Thanks Devin.  I used the "messaging" on the old system frequently but hadn't gotten around to trying out Private Notes on the new system.  I presume it is not necessary to be a "follower" of someone to sent them a Private Note.


Good question, Woody. I'm actually not sure about that. I'll do some checking.

Jeff Gilder
01/14/17 10:42:46AM
1,784 posts

Emailing Other Members

Using The Site

Thank you, Devin! 

updated by @jeff-gilder: 01/18/20 05:20:38AM
Jeff Gilder
01/14/17 09:12:44AM
1,784 posts

Thanks, Woody. Going to keep an eye on it. Take a look at the new "Galleries" tab n the menu under photos when you have a chance...also the the members page. I appreciate you, Woody.

Jeff Gilder
01/13/17 05:28:54PM
1,784 posts

Let Me Know What Problems You're Having Posting

Using The Site

I completed another phase of the site upgrade, and some of your concerns are "helped". Still much to do.  @tmc-chase  you can now search member profiles. I'm working on a way to group "searchable" member galleries. I also expanded the number of items returned on the site-wide search. Hope that helps

@dave-fulton, the group display issues where images are "outside" the display areas appear to be related to very early posts....most of those problems appear on 9 year old posts. As I go through the groups and look at random posts, later input seems to be ok. This may be related to an earlier version of ning, but I'm really not 100% sure why some group content transferred perfectly and some did not. I still have MANY group edits to do...and I have no idea if the results of those edits will change this issue. 

updated by @jeff-gilder: 01/13/17 05:29:37PM
Jeff Gilder
01/13/17 03:47:56PM
1,784 posts

Woody, Would you consider adding back one of the lost albums....and let me know when you have it up? Thanks

Jeff Gilder
01/13/17 03:35:57PM
1,784 posts

Tiny Lund Information Needed

Stock Car Racing History

We've been contacted by NASCAR productions to help come up with some Tiny Lund stuff for an upcoming Fox Sports 1 special. The special focuses on his personality. We're looking for:

1. Any footage of Tiny talking to the camera. 2.

2. Some first-hand accounts (stories) of knowing and racing with him. Dennis Andrews, we need to hook them up with Wayne.

3. Photographs.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

updated by @jeff-gilder: 01/18/20 05:20:38AM
Jeff Gilder
01/13/17 11:26:25AM
1,784 posts

Let Me Know What Problems You're Having Posting

Using The Site

[quote="TMC Chase"] We've always had generic avatars for those who do not post a profile image.

I drop by a few times a week, but I haven't posted much for a few reasons. 

One, Tim Leeming, Dave Fulton and I have posted a lot of stuff in the forum the past few years. I realize others have as well, but it seems we've posted the majority of the content in the forum. I'd like to see others add their memories, race recaps, and such so we can all enjoy them and add our comments, articles and pics to them.

Two, the offseason. In the dead of winter, I'm not particularly in race ready mode yet. I have some ideas in my mind about various posts I plan to make on my personal blog. I suppose I'll copy / share much of the content here.

Three, without trying to pile on, the site re-design is a barrier for me to add new content. In particular, the simplistic search feature is driving me crazy. I have found a way to search the Forum - which has helped me ID previous posts to edit, bump, etc.  

forum search.png

But the inability to search members or photos through anything other than a basic search function that only returns 4 items per query is frustrating as hell.

And I don't plan to scroll page after page of members - especially when so many aren't recognizable with generic avatars:


Nor am I going to scroll through pages of photos - esp when we have something like 60,000 of them. Down the road, if I choose to add new posts, I'd like to embed pictures from the site and give credit to the RR members who uploaded them. But without the ability to efficiently and accurately search the photos, I'm not going to spend a bunch of time crawling through pages.

