Let Me Know What Problems You're Having Posting
Using The Site
[quote="TMC Chase"] Chase, It looks like I'll be able to set up search functions within he various site modules at some point. There's still another major upgrade that I need to get through prior to attempting to add those things. But, it does appear I can create that function.
I drop by a few times a week, but I haven't posted much for a few reasons.
One, Tim Leeming, Dave Fulton and I have posted a lot of stuff in the forum the past few years. I realize others have as well, but it seems we've posted the majority of the content in the forum. I'd like to see others add their memories, race recaps, and such so we can all enjoy them and add our comments, articles and pics to them.
Two, the offseason. In the dead of winter, I'm not particularly in race ready mode yet. I have some ideas in my mind about various posts I plan to make on my personal blog. I suppose I'll copy / share much of the content here.
Three, without trying to pile on, the site re-design is a barrier for me to add new content. In particular, the simplistic search feature is driving me crazy. I have found a way to search the Forum - which has helped me ID previous posts to edit, bump, etc.
But the inability to search members or photos through anything other than a basic search function that only returns 4 items per query is frustrating as hell.
And I don't plan to scroll page after page of members - especially when so many aren't recognizable with generic avatars:
Nor am I going to scroll through pages of photos - esp when we have something like 60,000 of them. Down the road, if I choose to add new posts, I'd like to embed pictures from the site and give credit to the RR members who uploaded them. But without the ability to efficiently and accurately search the photos, I'm not going to spend a bunch of time crawling through pages.