Forum Activity for @jeff-gilder

Jeff Gilder
01/12/17 05:30:53PM
1,784 posts

Let Me Know What Problems You're Having Posting

Using The Site

[quote="TMC Chase"] Chase, It looks like I'll be able to set up search functions within he various site modules at some point. There's still another major upgrade that I need to get through prior to attempting to add those things. But, it does appear I can create that function.

I drop by a few times a week, but I haven't posted much for a few reasons. 

One, Tim Leeming, Dave Fulton and I have posted a lot of stuff in the forum the past few years. I realize others have as well, but it seems we've posted the majority of the content in the forum. I'd like to see others add their memories, race recaps, and such so we can all enjoy them and add our comments, articles and pics to them.

Two, the offseason. In the dead of winter, I'm not particularly in race ready mode yet. I have some ideas in my mind about various posts I plan to make on my personal blog. I suppose I'll copy / share much of the content here.

Three, without trying to pile on, the site re-design is a barrier for me to add new content. In particular, the simplistic search feature is driving me crazy. I have found a way to search the Forum - which has helped me ID previous posts to edit, bump, etc.  

forum search.png

But the inability to search members or photos through anything other than a basic search function that only returns 4 items per query is frustrating as hell.

And I don't plan to scroll page after page of members - especially when so many aren't recognizable with generic avatars:


Nor am I going to scroll through pages of photos - esp when we have something like 60,000 of them. Down the road, if I choose to add new posts, I'd like to embed pictures from the site and give credit to the RR members who uploaded them. But without the ability to efficiently and accurately search the photos, I'm not going to spend a bunch of time crawling through pages.


Jeff Gilder
01/12/17 05:19:22PM
1,784 posts

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Using The Site

Really sorry you guys are struggling. Please understand, the old site was no longer supported and was going to be lost totally. There are not many options out there to house this kind of content.....affordably....for me. One great option (that I absolutely loved)would have cost over $25,000 per year on the low end, and possibly as much at $5000 per month. If any of you would like to pick up that tab, we'll gladly head that direction.  And although all of your have (and I'm very grateful for it) spent a lot of time adding content, so have I, and I have funded almost 100% of it. I'm very sorry, Dave that you feel is is a wasteland. I do not! I felt, and continue to feel it was worth the effort and $$ to salvage everything we could. My option was to just let it disappear completely. There's over 100 hours of work left to do to complete the effort....much of it is in the "Groups" area. I will get the effort completed as spare time allows. 

Jeff Gilder
01/10/17 05:53:57PM
1,784 posts

Let Me Know What Problems You're Having Posting

Using The Site

[quote="bill mcpeek"]

not user friendly at all in my opinion.. I miss the birthdays today listing so we could wish our friends a happy birthday.

[/quo[quote="bill mcpeek"]

Billy, When they get the photo posting snag fixed I have a couple I will try and post... Stay warm and take care...

[/quote] Not aware of a photo posting snag, Bill. Please explain

updated by @jeff-gilder: 01/18/20 05:20:38AM
Jeff Gilder
01/08/17 11:37:29AM
1,784 posts

Let Me Know What Problems You're Having Posting

Using The Site

[quote="bill mcpeek"]

not user friendly at all in my opinion.. I miss the birthdays today listing so we could wish our friends a happy birthday.


Bill, scroll down the page. They are there in exactly the same location they were on the old site. bottom left side of the activity page.

Jeff Gilder
01/07/17 03:07:40PM
1,784 posts

Let Me Know What Problems You're Having Posting

Using The Site

To me, this one is much easier for some things....and just different for others. And, I realize "different" = difficulty.  I was used to the photo gallery and comment wall on ning, and this was hard to get used to at first. But, I'm getting my arms around it little by little.  The forum posting on ning was much easier...I do agree. I liked that format better myself. 

Jeff Gilder
01/07/17 01:20:43PM
1,784 posts


Okay.  Apologies.  I didn't realize there were still some missing.  Have the jamroom folks figured out if the original Album dates can be attached to our photos.   I'm not sure that's even possible. For example, my albums were by date and subject/event.


All that album meta data from ning could not be transferred. 

updated by @jeff-gilder: 01/18/20 05:20:38AM
Jeff Gilder
01/07/17 11:26:22AM
1,784 posts

Let Me Know What Problems You're Having Posting

Using The Site

confused.jpg This was a very active forum back before the site change. I knew it would be tough making this change after 9 years on the old platform. But that platform was no longer supported and badly out of date, insecure, and not mobile responsive. So, here we are.

What can I do to help you become more comfortable with the new site? I'm know the readers are still reading, I see a big jump in traffic analytics... but all you active posters haven't been posting a lot of content.

I hear some of you say "It's not user friendly" yet I see (from the analytics) more of our content being viewed than ever that argument doesn't really hold water in that regard.

I know it's different, and different is hard to accept. I'm here to help. Let me know where you're having trouble, and I'll help get you over the hurdle.

updated by @jeff-gilder: 08/05/18 02:59:26PM
Jeff Gilder
01/07/17 11:20:53AM
1,784 posts


I found 4 pages of your photo albums.  They are there.  The the trick is getting back to them once created.  Go here:

If you go to your page you want to click on the word "MORE".  You will see a drop down menu.  Scroll down a little and you will see PHOTO ALBUM.  Click on it.



There 23 there, but he is missing 12 that he created...and they later vanished. I've looked through out the site...hoping to find them "orphaned", but can't find them. I have the folks at JamRoom investigating.

Jeff Gilder
01/06/17 08:54:47AM
1,784 posts

[quote="Jeff Gilder"]

Thanks Woody. I haven't been able to figure out what's happening. Good Idea not to add any more yet. I'll have some more time to dig into this this weekend. Sorry for the problem.


Really weird, I thought I would find them somewhere. Still working on this, Woody. 

Jeff Gilder
01/06/17 08:27:28AM
1,784 posts

Thanks Woody. I haven't been able to figure out what's happening. Good Idea not to add any more yet. I'll have some more time to dig into this this weekend. Sorry for the problem.
