Forum Activity for @jeff-gilder

Jeff Gilder
08/16/11 10:33:17AM
1,784 posts

Boris & The Biff


....and it is interesting this kind of show comes from a road course. Every time I say what I'm about to say, somebody gets on my case, but....THIS is what the sport has been missing. We need to get these polished sports model drivers out in the open and let em show they have what it takes to back up their actions. All through history, when you showed up at a race track you knew there might be some "physical" contact with another driver. It is one of the things that has "governed" the sport for past decades. If you're going to show your butt on the track, you should expect and be ready to get it kicked off the track....or back up your actions
Jeff Gilder
08/09/11 04:44:10PM
1,784 posts

Open Participation/Everybody Post: Who Finished Last in the 1st Cup/GN/Strictlly Stock Race You Attended or Watched?


I remember that race like it was yesterday! A relatively unknown, John Rostek started on the pole (and didn't lead a lap) and eventually finished 7th driving his own '60 Ford. Also noteworthy of this particular race...Buddy Baker made one of his early starts driving a second car (Bunkie was in the first) for Spook Crawford in a '58 Ford. Leadfoot managed to finish the race 13 laps down to the leader and 9 laps down to his father...that would be "Buck" who was driving a "Thor" '60 Chevy. Buck, who started 4th actually lead the first...and 2nd lap. My hometown hero Herman Beam finished 9th 10 laps down. Oooh...the memories!...LoL.
Jeff Gilder
08/02/11 06:10:04PM
1,784 posts

It Really is a Small World of Racing Acquaintances


Holy crap, Dave! That little story was full of history. I enjoyed every word.
Jeff Gilder
08/02/11 12:55:36PM
1,784 posts

Racing Spies


Lol. Great story, Dave!
Jeff Gilder
07/31/11 10:32:03AM
1,784 posts

What Racing Souvenir(s) do you treasure the most?


Oh how I wish I had been a collector. I would love now to have a few of the things...mostly cars (even toys) that I destroyed and discarded /sold throughout my life. My mother was/is a pack rat (hoarder) and I think that has had an effect on me. But, I went too far and kept almost nothing. I even gave away and threw away most of my trophies thinking my memories were enough. I hocked my high school class ring...probably to buy something for a hot rod... or beer.

But one that I kept is probably my most treasured item. It is a trophy for winning the Southeastern Pro-Am Motocross Championship in 1985. I have it proudly displayed int my office....its pretty rough looking, but I'm keeping that one.

Jeff Gilder
08/01/11 07:09:03AM
1,784 posts

Please read and comment


Thanks very much! All your comments are appreciated. There are two things that seem to be laying at me feet every time I turn around...this magazine and my idea of creating a Vintage Championship Series (VCS). I'm just wondering do I continue to push them out of the way or pick them up and do something. Perhaps BB you provided the solution by combining the two. Only problem is the VCS is
Jeff Gilder
07/31/11 12:46:57PM
1,784 posts

Please read and comment


Yes PKL, getting the word out, I think, would be the biggest challenge. But there is a company here at the beach who recently gave me hope. They are doing very well with a collection of print and online mags. One of them you see displayed here on the site "Waccamaw Outdoors". Another of their most popular mags is called "Transitions" that is targeted to the senior audience.
Jeff Gilder
07/31/11 12:43:18PM
1,784 posts

Please read and comment


This is indeed my fear, but it is one of those things that has been bugging me for a while. I created RR for that purpose, but miss a large portion of those who care because they have not given in to the cyber world. Many tell me they've gotten along without it til now and have no intent to start. But some have asked for and gotten help to get computers and get on the net because of us.
Jeff Gilder
07/31/11 10:20:05AM
1,784 posts

Please read and comment



Thanks very much. That is good input...and you are right...Mr. Streeter you ARE an exception in addition to being exceptional!'

Jeff Gilder
07/31/11 09:12:20AM
1,784 posts

Please read and comment


I have for some time been knocking around the idea of publishing a (probably quarterly) RacersReunion magazine. The concept that interests me is to share this experience we enjoy with some of the older fans who still do not use the internet. The mag would include racing history articles, (perhaps highlighting some of the discussions from this forum), photos, and coverage from recent events. I've spoken to some about this...Ray Lamm and Tim Leeming to name a couple...but I would like your feedback on some of the questions I have.

1. Do you think going backward in technology for this purpose is advisable? Many print magazines are failing due to the emergence of online mags.We would make this one available online as well.

2. Do you think semi-annually...or quarterly is best

3. How much will folks be willing to pay? Gotta see if it makes financial semse.

4. What would you name it? I like RacersReunion SCENE.

Please feel free to share your thoughts.


updated by @jeff-gilder: 01/11/17 12:38:27PM