Forum Activity for @jeff-gilder

Jeff Gilder
07/15/11 04:20:54PM
1,784 posts

Ghost Track in Dodge Commercial

Historic Speedways and Ghost Tracks

A note form the selfish webmaster side of me....Here is why I love this forum and the activity it breeds...well most of it anyway. This topic was started two days ago about "The Dodge Durango Commercial". Today a member joined and found us after searching for "dodge durango commercial". I just thought that was cool. Just think of all the search terms you guys are spewing into cyber space every day. Now you know another reason you hear me say activity breeds activity.
Jeff Gilder
07/14/11 06:06:18PM
1,784 posts

Ghost Track in Dodge Commercial

Historic Speedways and Ghost Tracks

they paid dearly for the right to change it
Jeff Gilder
07/14/11 01:23:25PM
1,784 posts

Ghost Track in Dodge Commercial

Historic Speedways and Ghost Tracks

Brixton is a fake name...shot at MGR
Jeff Gilder
07/14/11 07:15:32AM
1,784 posts

Ghost Track in Dodge Commercial

Historic Speedways and Ghost Tracks

I know there was a commercial recently filmed at Middle Georgia Raceway. I haven't seen the commercial yet to know if that is it.
Jeff Gilder
07/13/11 06:46:43PM
1,784 posts

I'm going to change the forum format


Let me know what you think. I get confused with the "out-of-sink" post I'm going to change it. If you don't like it I'll change it back.
updated by @jeff-gilder: 12/05/16 04:02:57PM
Jeff Gilder
07/13/11 10:37:38AM
1,784 posts

When Criticism Crosses the Line


I'm writing this to hopefully better explain my position shared on the Racing Through History show last night. Interestingly, I have gotten a few emails this morning from folks who thought I was directing my thoughts to them.

I feel like as paying customers, and we all have paid with a lifetime of our free time and hard-earned dollars, we all have the right to express our opinions of where the sport has gone.

To me, criticism becomes bashing when remarks are made about someone...such as that person or group is stupid....that person isn't capable of this or that....or those people are a bunch of...fill in the blanks.

We have the right to criticize...we lose respect and our credibility as members of this organization when we bash. No one likes to hear someone bash another, including me. I don't like being included in blanket defamatory remarks and I don't think anyone does. Much of the good we create here goes out the window with a few personal remarks.

It takes a lot for me to get torqued up enough to do what I did last night. But I get really ticked off at the folks who I think are being inconsiderate (I ain't bashing them)when they say we (old-schoolers) need to quit complaining and living in the past and get on with it. If they have taken away our favorite races and the racing styles and personality we loved....are we supposed to give up our memories too? I think NOT! And I along with you have the right to complain. We paid for it. I will not just sit back and just accept things the way they are and withhold my criticism because some think any criticism is bashing. It is not...when it gets personal and personally degrades someone or even an organization that is crossing the line.

I hope this helps clear the air. We can all give our opinions without making overly critical, accusatory, and threatening remarks ( from the dictionary for bashing). And for the record I do agree with some (from my many emails) who say we cross the lines at times....and I am as guilty as anyone. There have been many things I have said in my life I wish I could take back. There is really no excuse for having to think that about something we write.

updated by @jeff-gilder: 04/12/17 04:00:29AM
Jeff Gilder
07/11/11 02:43:13PM
1,784 posts

Kentucky Speedway


I tried really hard to stay awake during this one...since it was an inaugural race and all. Couldn't do it. I was asleep within a very few laps. As a matter of fact, just thinking about it makes me sleepy.
Jeff Gilder
07/10/11 08:21:09PM
1,784 posts

Wanna Build a Race Track?


I agree 100% somebody has to start over. I also think the timing is right. And I you bopper am a dreamer. Dangerous, huh?