Forum Activity for @jeff-gilder

Jeff Gilder
06/29/11 11:16:29AM
1,784 posts

RPM's - Aint they got high?


Instead of the normal 18436572 firing would this config fire? I've also heard Bill "Grumpy" Jenkins talk about changing firing order waaaay back in the early days of the sbc...mainly , I think to help cool #7 &#5 cyl. Does that make sense...and have the round track guys also done that kind of experimenting? Getting to talk to these dudes about this kind of stuff has been awesome. The stuff normal fans do not get to hear...the kind of stuff Grump would probably not have revealed back then...and small time racers like me never experienced.

Jim Reep Jr said:
Yes, there are two ways of doing a dual firing V-8. A 180 crank & just grinding the cam's last four cyl. 180 out. Either way, you fire 2 @ once. It makes for a very different sound especially with 180 headers, but they too have to be redone slightly. Duel firing a V8 also requires a reworked electrical system. Harry Hyde said a duel firing Hemi sounded like a stick of dynamite going off with each cly report. Fun stuff, but less RPMs & slight torque gain. Definitely a short track application . I have no knowledge of Yunick doing that, but I have heard rumors, then , who hasn't?

Jeff Gilder said:


I heard Charlie Glotzbach talking about Smokey's car in Atlanta in the 1969 Dixie 500...I think. Charlie drove it...and led a few laps. Smokey kept bringing him into the pits and holding him up...strangely. He said he though the engine had a 180 degree crank...sounded really different. That was the first time I had heard that term and was told it had something to do with firing two cylinders at the same time.

Is that right?

Jim Reep Jr said:

You ain't lived until you've had one of those engines "let go" turning near those numbers. Its nigh on to losing several years off your life. They do kill all the bugs in the immediate area however !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The remnants make for great boat anchors too !!!!!!!!! I should have saved the broken parts for 20 yrs to sell on EBay too .
Jeff Gilder
06/29/11 10:02:03AM
1,784 posts

RPM's - Aint they got high?



I heard Charlie Glotzbach talking about Smokey's car in Atlanta in the 1969 Dixie 500...I think. Charlie drove it...and led a few laps. Smokey kept bringing him into the pits and holding him up...strangely. He said he though the engine had a 180 degree crank...sounded really different. That was the first time I had heard that term and was told it had something to do with firing two cylinders at the same time.

Is that right?

Jim Reep Jr said:

You ain't lived until you've had one of those engines "let go" turning near those numbers. Its nigh on to losing several years off your life. They do kill all the bugs in the immediate area however !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The remnants make for great boat anchors too !!!!!!!!! I should have saved the broken parts for 20 yrs to sell on EBay too .
Jeff Gilder
06/29/11 09:53:42AM
1,784 posts

RPM's - Aint they got high?


180s. Runt liked the way they sounded.

Jeff Gilder
06/27/11 05:09:31PM
1,784 posts

The cost of sponsorship and by who.


Good idea! Then you could start sponsoring race cars, BT. I want to get my name in the hat early.

Bumpertag said:
Very good article. Some of these sounded like what happened to my neighbor. He wife was involved in a 4 car accident. 3 stopped, the front car waiting or traffic to turn left. A woman rear ends the line of cars and totals 2 of them. After a fewweeks of investigating and stalling, the insurance demands that my neighbor return the rental car even though they had not reached an agreement on the value of her car. They offer 40% of what the car was worth and my neighbor refussed. After 2 weeks with no car and no better offer from the insurance they decided to take the offer and cut their losses and just move on. 3 days later the insurace calls them and tells them the company doesn't have the money to pay them and tells them they will have to turn it in on their own insurance. Now their premiums have gone up. None of this was my neighbors fault, she was the second car in line already at a full stop. If this is typical of how insurance is hangled, I need to get into that business.
Jeff Gilder
06/27/11 04:50:49PM
1,784 posts

The cost of sponsorship and by who.


BT, isn't that the opposite of brand loyalty? Hmmmm bet NASCAR nor Hendrick warned Farmers of that potential response.

But you bet they have the cash. Read this post on by D.C.Hammer.

Jeff Gilder
06/30/11 03:36:52PM
1,784 posts

Where's Fox


I knew it!

Tommie Clinard said:

Don't smoke nuttin' PKL. Never have. Never will. I did spend the night in the 3rd turn at MGR a few times. Not on the track------under it.

Jeff Gilder said:
Tommie's been "again" sniffing the creek that runs out of the ground under turn three at MGR .
Jeff Gilder
06/28/11 04:12:07PM
1,784 posts

Where's Fox


Tommie's been "again" sniffing the creek that runs out of the ground under turn three at MGR .

Jeff Gilder
06/28/11 04:10:26PM
1,784 posts

Where's Fox



toomuchcountry said:

Speaking of road kill, count me among those who are glad not to hear Boogity x3 until next February! :-)

Jeff Gilder
06/28/11 12:11:20PM
1,784 posts

Where's Fox


Lol, Tommie. I actually believe most of that. I agree DW has earned the right to brag as you said he walked the walk, but I got tired of hearing him brag about it over 15 years

Tommie Clinard said:
Awww c'mon folks. Tell it like it is. True we don't have the good commentators now like we used to have in Benny, Ned, Neil etc., etc. But DW does tell it like it is. Yes I know he also tells it with what he did. He does talk the talk....but he walked the walk. Look at his overall record. He has done it all and yes he does brag about it. I think that he has earned the right to. I do have a "Boogity--Boogity--Bootigy" decal on my CD cabinet. I also have a pet gopher in my backyardthat I affectionally call "Digger." In one of the races that DW was announcing, I taped the start with his "Boogity--Boogity--Boogity." "Let's go racing boys." I take this tape out to the backyard and play it for "Digger" now that DW is not announcing the races and he gets a big kick out of it. He does a couple of back flips, (he learned that from watching Carl,) and then goes back in his hole. So you good folks please quit saying bad things about DW. It upsets my "Digger," and when he gets upset it puts me in a sad mood. Gotta go now. Gonna get on DW and order some things for "Digger" to put in his home. He just loves DW. Ya'll be good now. Ya hear!!!!
Jeff Gilder
06/28/11 07:04:14AM
1,784 posts

Where's Fox


You know how you can tell this is fresh road kill?...the stripe is under the gopher.