RPM's - Aint they got high?
I heard Charlie Glotzbach talking about Smokey's car in Atlanta in the 1969 Dixie 500...I think. Charlie drove it...and led a few laps. Smokey kept bringing him into the pits and holding him up...strangely. He said he though the engine had a 180 degree crank...sounded really different. That was the first time I had heard that term and was told it had something to do with firing two cylinders at the same time.
Is that right?
Jim Reep Jr said:
You ain't lived until you've had one of those engines "let go" turning near those numbers. Its nigh on to losing several years off your life. They do kill all the bugs in the immediate area however !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The remnants make for great boat anchors too !!!!!!!!! I should have saved the broken parts for 20 yrs to sell on EBay too .