The Wally Bell Show
Three or four years ago I attended a nostalgia drag event at Virginia Motorsports Park. I set up my little tent, camera, and lights and began to interview legendary drag racers like Dennis Hitchcock, Ed Miller, and Big Daddy Don Garlits. I met and interviewed another familiar name in drag racing that day Wally Bell. Wally and I began to communicate via our Drag RacersReunion site and became friends. I was looking for the right personality to host a drag racing talk radio show, so much of our communication was me trying to get Wally to agree to do a show. He turned me down again and again. But, finally he gave in and The Wally Bell Show was born in the Spring of 2010.
I knew Wally would be a great host. Yes, Ill take credit having that gut-feeling. He and co-hosts, Gordy Foust, George Nye, and Greg Zyla have made our Wednesday night radio programming a true delight for any drag racing fan. They have interviewed numerous racers from the days when drag racing was best. Thats what we older folks think, ya know. It may be great now, but it was better then. Wally will not agree with that statement. I call him Wally the glass if always half-full Bell. He is the eternal optimistand one with a very positive outlook on most everything. The only thing Wally doesnt like is bitching and griping. Thats the one thing that will get him to wellbitching and griping, too.
The Wally Bell Show came to an end this week. I hope it is a temporary thing. Wally said he needed a break and we certainly respect that. It takes a lot of time to prepare, promote, and host a talk showeven if is just one hour, one night a week. Wally took his show very seriously. He was a radio-rookie who became a true professional. He treated his radio show like it was a responsibility and everyone knew it.
I felt the need to write this about Wally and his great show. Were going to miss him and his butter-smooth interview style. I certainly hope after some rest, hell miss us, too and come back to RacersReunion Radio. I wish you the very best, my friend,
Jeff Gilder, Producer, The Wally Bell Show
updated by @jeff-gilder: 12/21/16 12:44:03PM