I Know Sam Ard, but Who is that Biscoe Fellow Finishing 2nd at Caraway in 1977 and winning in '78?
Stock Car Racing History
BB was the stuff!!
Bobby's Mother passed away this morning.
Sad news, Harvey. Sending thoughts and prayers to the family and friends.
Thanks for posting this. Can't wait to read the story.
Thanks Perry for boosting this thread, and for all the support all you guys give to RR. Denniss, we have a second, third, and fourth in command, and there's a fifth coming along...although he is just 5 right now.
What format is you personal racing footage in right now? Can you upload it to youtube? If it is still on tape, you will need to get it converted to something else....probably a dvd is best. You can rip content from a dvd and upload it. Best to upload to youtube first.
JM, Here's the explanation.
You can thank Mark Zuckerberg and that thing he created called facebook. Much of the activity that used to occur here and on other specialty sites like ours now occurs there on facebook. Many of the fine folks who used to comment and post here to the forum and to our clubs now have set up their own groups on facebook. We're actually seeing some of the traffic return here lately. Not sure why, but certainly happy for it.
We do not retain any rights to the content posted here. It belongs to those who post it. But, several folks over the years have from time to time expressed concern about putting their content here...for fear of losing it, I suppose. I understand that. Yet some of those same folks are now posting it on facebook...where the rights to the content now belong to ...facebook. Go figure! That, I cannot understand.
We appreciate very much your, and other's loyalty who continue to support RacersReunion.
Our dear friend, Mike Sykes has been diagnosed with lung cancer. We ask all our members for prayer and support for MIke and his family.