Forum Activity for @jeff-gilder

Jeff Gilder
01/21/15 04:28:39PM
1,784 posts

Food for Thought....The Last Generation?

Stock Car Racing History


Thanks for posting this. Thought provoking for sure. I think we're definitely seeing a shift in youth interest in comparison to the types of motorsports we grew up on. The youth seem to like drifting and stadium trucks, and stuff like that more drag racing and stock car racing.

Your post is titled "Last" generation.I think one of the biggest hurdles in the survival of NASCAR is perhaps the "Lost" generation. I'm a fan because my father was. My son is because I am....etc. The last decade of NASCAR has been filled with all the stuff we told them we didn't like or want, and they did it anyway. The damage to the sport and its fan base brought on by things like the Top 35 guarantees, lucky dogs, and managed results created a long-term fan void. In their attempts to fill that void NASCAR has mounted multiple campaigns to capture new audiences. IN the mean time...many fathers stopped being a fan....a problem that I think will continue to ripple through the next generation. That's a real problem because none of those campaigns to find new fans have created any long-term to speak.

We do need the HOF to succeed. Thanks for sharing.

Jeff Gilder
01/11/15 06:01:16PM
1,784 posts

Motor Week LIVE Set

-RacersReunion® RADIO

Check out the new MWL set concept

updated by @jeff-gilder: 12/03/16 07:50:33PM
Jeff Gilder
12/11/14 02:44:50PM
1,784 posts

Thank you, Friends


We're so glad to have you back, Dave. Here's wishing you and your family an awesome holiday season.

Jeff Gilder
02/17/15 08:20:59PM
1,784 posts

Salt Air Jam 2015 - RacersReunion® Event to Benefit Cystic Fibrosis


It's now official. Second Saturday in June at the North Myrtle Beach sports complex. details to follow.

Jeff Gilder
02/09/15 06:30:31PM
1,784 posts

Salt Air Jam 2015 - RacersReunion® Event to Benefit Cystic Fibrosis


Larry, we welcome all the help we can get. Would love to have you involved.

Jeff Gilder
11/24/14 05:39:05PM
1,784 posts

Salt Air Jam 2015 - RacersReunion® Event to Benefit Cystic Fibrosis



We're still in the preliminary stages...which include getting a contract with the city of NMB, and then contracting someone to do the car show. It will definitely be outside. The other details will follow soon, I hope. Thanks for your interest, Doug.


Jeff Gilder
11/21/14 05:12:06PM
1,784 posts

Salt Air Jam 2015 - RacersReunion® Event to Benefit Cystic Fibrosis


Hey folks!

It's been long enough since we've held an event. We're very excited to announce that RacersReunion, Shag City USA, iNetGolf, BoTheWebGuy, Beach Music SCENE Magazine, and Jim Quick and Coastline will be jointly promoting the first and hopefully annual Salt Air Jam at the brand new North Myrtle Beach Sports Complex and Amphitheater June 13, 2015.

We're working on the details, but it plans are for a scramble golf tournament, car show / cruise-in, Vintage Race Car display, and concert with at least 3 bands. An all-day Saturday event.

We'll have travel / accommodation packages for those coming from out of town and more details later. Looking for volunteers, vendors, and sponsors!

The event is organized to benefit Cystic Fibrosis


updated by @jeff-gilder: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM