Forum Activity for @jeff-gilder

Jeff Gilder
01/14/13 04:35:28PM
1,784 posts

Dan Pastorini on RacersReunion Radio Tonight

-RacersReunion® RADIO

8 PM Eastern on Racin and Rockin.

updated by @jeff-gilder: 12/03/16 06:19:42PM
Jeff Gilder
01/14/13 04:13:13PM
1,784 posts

Careful (or Not) What You Say

Current NASCAR


Jeff Gilder
01/08/13 05:33:56AM
1,784 posts

JB Day

Stock Car Racing History

Bryan, I have it somewhere...but you can find it by searching for Riverbend Museum154 Floyd Circle - Easley, SC.

Jeff Gilder
01/08/13 05:14:42PM
1,784 posts

Nexus Fuel Products Reviews


That gas-gusslin Dodge would be a great test for it Cody!

Jeff Gilder
01/06/13 08:41:01PM
1,784 posts

Nexus Fuel Products Reviews


Some of you may wonder what this has to do with racing or RacersReunion. But, those who are regulars here know that we have been supported by Nexus Fuel Products for the past two years.

I'm asking those here who have tried the product to post your results and thoughts about it. We want to to return the support given us. It has been a great relationship...they needed us and we needed them. Let's hope this relationship continues for a long time to come.

Many thanks to Nexus Fuel Products, Inc.!

updated by @jeff-gilder: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Jeff Gilder
01/06/13 08:35:54PM
1,784 posts

Man I love Short Track Racing!

Stock Car Racing History

Congrats,Jerry. Great Job to you, Hutto, and crew!

Jeff Gilder
01/06/13 07:26:00AM
1,784 posts

Located Old Photo- Number 26 ford Coupe-Taylor's Auto Paint and Body Service- Info anyone??

Stock Car Racing History

Robert, I would suggest that you also post it in the photo gallery with a caption and tags including the number, sponsor,and anything else you have. It is a good idea to post it here on the forum as you have...and in the gallery.That way...the things you do know about the car will show up in google and site searches through the caption and tags...just in case someone comes along looking for it.

Great shot. thanks for sharing.

Jeff Gilder
01/04/13 07:49:35AM
1,784 posts


Current NASCAR

Somebody left the toilet seat up AGAIN! I'm telling you, Tony, this has got to be rectified!
