Forum Activity for @jeff-gilder

Jeff Gilder
01/14/13 07:00:48AM
1,784 posts

Are Y'all Familiar With These Parts?


JM is right. It just east of Erwin, TN on i 26 there in the mountains...or rather between them. As one might expect Frog Level is "low ground". Not too far (as is Ducktown) from where I grew up.

Jeff Gilder
01/13/13 02:05:43PM
1,784 posts

Are Y'all Familiar With These Parts?


Tommie, I've been to Ducktown, TN....many times. Have you been to Frog Level.

Jeff Gilder
01/12/13 10:13:09AM
1,784 posts

Are Y'all Familiar With These Parts?


You surely fix some gravy and grits with that breakfast don't you, Patsy?

Jeff Gilder
12/25/12 11:31:47AM
1,784 posts

Merry Christmas from Ruby


He cleans up well doesn't he?

Jeff Gilder
12/25/12 06:47:54AM
1,784 posts

Merry Christmas from Ruby


updated by @jeff-gilder: 12/05/16 04:02:57PM
Jeff Gilder
12/25/12 06:48:50AM
1,784 posts

Merry Christmas

Stock Car Racing History

Merry Christmas, David!

Jeff Gilder
12/24/12 09:54:15AM
1,784 posts

Merry Christmas to all


Merry Christmas Tim and Ann ...and family!

Jeff Gilder
12/24/12 09:53:22AM
1,784 posts

Merry Christmas from STARS Radio

Stock Car Racing History

Merry Christmas to you and yours!
