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Just a reminder voting ends January 4th. They are allowing folks to vote daily. Vote for The Wally Bell Show here:
If it is like last year, the thing resets every 24 hours. You can vote again. after it resets.
I agree it should cut everyone off after one vote.
I know it's about Drag Racing, but its also about RacersReunion...The Wally Bell Show has been nominated Internet Radio Show of the year by the 2012 Dot Com Awards. Please follow the link below and vote for The Wally Bell Show.
Thank you!
I spoke to Bill yesterday about it after seeing this post. Apparantley the guy (from France) who brought the car to Bill for the build did all the research which passed muster for the Lemans folks as a restoration, and I'm not familiar enough withthose equirements to comment. I'm hoping we can get the owner to post the story of the search for the car and the subsequent build. This sort of thing is very interesting to me...knowing many of the cars are "repurposed" (sometimes) several times during their span of use, verifiying authenticity can be a challenge.
Like you, I've been extrememly impressed with the restorations done by Bill Rhine as well as his other accomplishments. Wait til you see his ship!
It as my understanding this is a restoration, Blane. It is certainly possible that I may have misunderstood, though. I don't think I asked Bill that question in the interview. Can you elaborate on your comment?
On the new Rhine Built website they certainly refer to it as a restoration and in the video above Bill refers to it as a restoration. In meeting, interviewing Bill Rhine, and touring his facilities he was very matter-of-fact about his opinions of "replicas vs restorations" and the amount of research required to validate any cars history.
Thanks, Dave...just can't get enough Ms Sue.
The best mid-winter place to be january 18-19, 2013 at the North Carolina State Fairgounds in Raleigh, NC.
Click HERE for information about the 27th Annual Piedmont Racing Expo.
Thomas, I can't say my German is getting any better...but I'm surprised at how much of the articles I could firgure out. Thanks for sharing.