Forum Activity for @jeff-gilder

Jeff Gilder
10/20/12 08:17:42AM
1,784 posts

Racers Reunion's ( Mr Jimmy Johnson)


Jimmy will do 40+ shows per year. Last year propably over 200 counting the Cheerwine / Rockingham shows. He always leaves a trail of new RacersReunion members in his wake. He never stops! We appreciate him very much!

Jeff Gilder
10/20/12 07:17:02PM
1,784 posts

Late Model Sportsman

Stock Car Racing History


To me, the Late ModelSportsmanin that era was the best racing of any time and place. The drivers were real and thecompetitionwas fierce. My favorite by far.

Jeff Gilder
10/16/12 06:18:07PM
1,784 posts

Goat Trying to Make it to the 7:00 pm Broadcast

-RacersReunion® RADIO

Sweet! A goat rescue. More folks should take aninterestin our goat population.

Jeff Gilder
10/15/12 03:03:35PM
1,784 posts

RacersReunion and Facebook.


Here is another strange one. Someone sent me a message on the Drag Racing site asking me to join her father's fan page on facebook. I asked...why don't you create a fan club here? The answer...more people on facebook. Well, all the pictures and posts she puts on facebook are being seen by a handful of folks. If that page had been done as a fan club on RacersReunion, it would appear in google searches and attract more folks who were searching for info on her father. But most all those who would like to pay tribute will never find the facebook page unless someone happens to let them know about it.

Jeff Gilder
10/15/12 02:46:41PM
1,784 posts

RacersReunion and Facebook.


I got the request of all requests last week. Still blows me away. Someone contacted me by way of our contact form asking why I do not move RacersReunion to facebook. Hmmmm...let me count the ways.

This person said they love the site, but keep forgetting to come here...and apparently like millions of others go to facebook several times a day.

Of course, I explained that we have a RacersReunion facebook page with nearly 3200 fans, friends, or likes ...whatever they are today. This came after I maxed out my personal facebook page at 5000 friends...which was all about ...RacersReunion.

The biggest misunderstanding about facebook is that most people think their posts are seen by hundreds of millions...not true at all. Usually a post is seen by less than 10% of the friends, fans...or likes that one has.

I guess I'm writing this here on the forum just to see what kind of comments it gets. What am I missing? I know we can't compete with facebook...but folks should realize just how few people see what they post. I deal with this on a regular basis with our marketing clients. I have seen folks take down their website in favor of a facebook page. HUGE mistake. Google cannot see inside facebook...only to the url. So anything inside facebook (other than the page url) will not show up in any google search....and have you ever tried searching facebook...? That sucks.

Most any photo on here will receive thousands of views over time we have some that have received tens of thousands of views. We have thousands of visits each month from folks who are not members. They can look...but cannot engage.

I suppose a facebook page is better than nothing, but putting RacersReunion and its nearly 200,000 pages of content on facebook is....wellthat would beridiculous....and impossible....and will NEVER happen.

Your thoughts....?

updated by @jeff-gilder: 12/05/16 04:02:57PM
Jeff Gilder
10/15/12 09:36:41AM
1,784 posts

Charlotte Sets Record

Current NASCAR


Jeff Gilder
10/15/12 09:35:31AM
1,784 posts

New RacersReunion Radio Studio Location

-RacersReunion® RADIO

Nice to be missed...hate I couldn't make it, though. Been here with the dogs and goats.

Jeff Gilder
10/15/12 09:28:09AM
1,784 posts

New RacersReunion Radio Studio Location

-RacersReunion® RADIO

Hope so Cody. We would love to have you join us in the studio sometime.
