Forum Activity for @jeff-gilder

Jeff Gilder
02/14/12 02:26:04PM
1,784 posts

Classic Woodie Slide Show


Click the link belowto download a really cool slide show.

updated by @jeff-gilder: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Jeff Gilder
02/13/12 06:39:13PM
1,784 posts

When His Mom Met Bill France Sr., Bondy Long's Drag Racing Career Took a Spectacular Left Turn!


At one of our Columbia events...#2 I think...I found a check book on the ground near the autograph tables. I openedit to find the name of the owner. It read Maynard Long. I asked Little Budd Moore.."Who is Maynard Long?" He told me it was Bondy...he was glad to get it back...and no I did not look at the balance!

Jeff Gilder
02/12/12 11:55:38AM
1,784 posts

Old Transporters Slide Show


Thanks for sending it to me Tommie. I have received it from several folks in different formats. This one was the best.

Jeff Gilder
02/12/12 10:15:13AM
1,784 posts

Old Transporters Slide Show


Click the link below to download and view this really cool Power Point Show.


updated by @jeff-gilder: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Jeff Gilder
02/10/12 06:21:18PM
1,784 posts

Dick Trickle Will Be Our Guest on The Goat Rodeo


This Tuesday February 14th, we'll have the king of goat rodeos (inside story), Dick Trickle with us. Hope y'all come to'll find out why he is a goat rodeo expert.

updated by @jeff-gilder: 08/06/18 08:03:42AM
Jeff Gilder
02/10/12 06:56:14PM
1,784 posts

Bill France Senior's Reminder to Bill France Jr. Still Valid


At the risk of violating my own ya think he was thinking a generation ahead...? Hmmmm

Jeff Gilder
02/12/12 09:02:36AM
1,784 posts

Your Daytona 500 Pre-Race Entertainment


Very sad to see such a talented person end up the way she did.

Jeff Gilder
02/11/12 11:14:57AM
1,784 posts

Your Daytona 500 Pre-Race Entertainment


I think it's Lennywood or something like that. Hope you know I was kidding about Ms Dolly. Remember, I'm an East Tennessee ridge runner. We're mighty proud of (as Porter Wagner called her) "pretty Miss Dolly Parton". She's like family to anyone who lives within 100 mikes of Sevierville, TN.

Jeff Gilder
02/11/12 10:44:29AM
1,784 posts

Your Daytona 500 Pre-Race Entertainment


I would have been surprised if your were...into dreadlocks, bling to the navel and I never like big hair, big boobs...and such, but Dolly Parton is a helleva singer...well maybe that's not entirely true, but she can sing!
