Your Daytona 500 Pre-Race Entertainment
I am a Lenny Kravitz fan. I think he is great.
I have to add this bit of information to this thread. Thanks Dave for posting!
Many of you have heard my story of how RacersReunion began from an idea shared by my racing mentor, Paul Lewis and myself. A very important part of that story involves Dick May...and of all people D.K. Ulrich.
My first Legends Helping Legends event was the 2nd annual event that honored Sam Ard. Dick May was at that event and I met him there for the first time. He and D.K. were sitting together and I spent a great deal of time talking to them about "remembering our past and caring for our heroes in need". Prior to that moment, I knew I had been called to be involved at some level, but it was at that moment I was given the clear direction to go forth. That direction came emphatically from Dick May.
Dick's words still ring very clear: "Somebody needs to do something. Somebody needs to take charge and get this done. You need to do this!" When I asked Dick "Why me?". He said, "Because you care and you can."
I will never forget theseriousnessin his voice. He was a fine man. It was an honor to have met him.
Don, We actually have been discussing doing at least one more event this year possible two. We have an interested venue in Carolina Speedway in Lakeview, SC and preliminary thoughts are to have a Fall race there.
Do you think your club(s) would be able to support an event at that location? Something we want to be able to accomplish is to pay some tow money....but would need to acquire sufficient sponsorship to make that possible.
Also....though it is not a VCS race there is a Vintage Exhibition event at Myrtle Beach Speedway on July 28. Details are on our events calendar.
I really appreciate you support of our series concept, Don. We do intend to carry this on and grow the series. I think it fits really well with the vintage clubs style of racing and fills a need for the fans to see a full schedule of vintage racing.
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I would never want to be guilty of disrespectin my elders...but the total RacersReunion count is over 12,000. So, I'm not "correctin" ya, Johhny just remindin ya there are 6 RacersReunion sites to
I might beeligible for that award for last year's Columbia Event.But the ones of us who attended should receive some sort of bravery award (or stupidity still not sure which applies)...thinking of the sides of that huge tent flopping in the 60mph winds and rain.
Uh-oh... Naming names. And..tonight another top ten reasons you might be a rodeo goat.