Forum Activity for @don-w-ross

Don W Ross
09/19/10 10:39:39PM
1 posts

Texas drag geezers reunion

Drag Racing History

This is my first early announcement for the Drag Geezers reunion near Dallas TX. The date is December 11, 2010, Location The Ranch House restaurant and Club. In Sachse TX. 7610 Hwy 78, 75048. The time will be 11:00 AM till 2:00 PM.

This reunion is Non profit and free to attend, I just ask that if you order food stay put and tip the girls well they are working a third shift to work this group.

All Drag racers are invited,. On display and to be fired up will be the Scorpion 1 and Scorpion V dragsters of Bobby Langley fame , Also the new recreation of Larry LaDue's Rat Patrol AA/FD .
Any other old or current cars are invited also.

I would like nominations for an annual" thank you" plaque we present each year. By Email .
Don Ross 214-327-7312

updated by @don-w-ross: 12/05/16 08:51:12AM