Forum Activity for @bobby-williamson

Bobby Williamson
07/24/15 08:36:34AM
907 posts

Nashville Superspeedway sale update - normal? or bigger problems ahead?

Current NASCAR

Maybe in the modern world of high-finance and government bail-outs, this company needs to LOOSE money. to show a loss to actually HAVE a loss........Even if the sale went through, was signed, sealed, and delivered, what could the new ownerdowith it? Brian sure a'int going to grant a 'Cup race...... trucks, Xfinity, IndyCar? With the exception ofEldora,none of them are setting the woods on fire anywhere.

Bobby Williamson
06/04/15 08:53:25AM
907 posts

Nashville Superspeedway sale update - normal? or bigger problems ahead?

Current NASCAR

This whole mess is a non-story. It is going nowhere, and would go nowhere even if "NeXovation" went through with the deal.

Bobby Williamson
09/05/14 05:12:14PM
907 posts

Nashville Superspeedway sale update - normal? or bigger problems ahead?

Current NASCAR

This all sounds like the legal maneuvering of the so-called 'zombie' real estate developments...those that were left high and dry during the housing collapse. Night-mare situations where the governing authority activated the construction bond to finish the project.

Bobby Williamson
09/06/14 11:16:38AM
907 posts

Xfinity in for Ten Years (Not Infinity) as NASCAR Series Sponsor

Current NASCAR

Dave, I could not believe it either, 5000 would be a generous number. And the on-track racing seemed to reflect the mood. As you know, KB led every lap. If the "B" series can be fixed, it won't be overnight, and it's got to start at the Saturday night level...........which is in just as poor a condition.

Bobby Williamson
09/06/14 09:07:31AM
907 posts

Xfinity in for Ten Years (Not Infinity) as NASCAR Series Sponsor

Current NASCAR

From the looks of the 'crowd' at the Richmond Nationwide race, Xfinity better started promoting hot and heavy. Wasn't too many years back, those Richmond stands were full.

Bobby Williamson
08/21/14 01:41:04PM
907 posts

How Mighty Have Fallen; Charlotte ABC Station Drops Bristol Race for Redskins Exhibition

Current NASCAR

All of this reiterates what we've been saying for years.........the wolf has been at the door, and nobody in Daytona seemed to care. Now, this week, the fur seems to be flying, with the unofficial word of the much hoped for Labor Day Southern 500. But is it too little, too late? Is the horse long out of the barn? Why did powerful continually ignore the advice and pleas of fans, of LEGIONS of fans? So much damage was done, and for so long, it's not a given this ship can be righted. NASCAR has their work cut-out.
