The Vanishing Generation
They a'int listening, Dave, they a'int got a clue.
Anyone ever seen a race track fight? I mean, not counting trash-talking, or throwing a water bottle, or a shove or two..........Nope, none of tht stuff, a realfight, one that takes 4 loads of deputy sheriffs to break up, and can spill over to the stands. Maybe you've been in one (or twelve).......let's hear some fight stories! LOL!!
PKL, I'd say the Indy 500 became a victim of ego-clashing wealthy sportsmen. They directed their once-American sport down a path of exclusivity, where foreign-sounding names were considered "more sophisticated" and would attract a "more cosmopolitan" audience. During this "progressive" phase, the league lost mega-American-talent like Jeff Gordon, but kept its head firmly buried in the sand. Sadly, that was onlt the beginning........the sport was decimated by a civil war with the formation of CART. Tony George, the only leader with big-picture vision, realized the the sport had to reunite and eventually worked the deal with NASCAR for the "Brickyard 400" in return for NASCAR's 'official' approval of the Indy Racing League. Indy racing may (ultimately) return to its former glory, but it won't be easy and it won't be quick.
Hey, y'all they could start with super-charged-bio-degradable hot dog wrappers......instant bio-degradation BEFORE plastering an air-intake opening. But, as Isaac Newton has stated, the equal and opposite reaction to instantaneous bio-degradation, is less crap to generate the ubiquitous debris caution. Not too good, after-all!
Because NASCAR is followed by millions of passionate fans and many businesses, it can be a powerful platform to raise environmental awareness, drive the adoption of safer products by more Americans, and support the growing green economy, said Jim Jones, EPAs acting assistant administrator for the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention.
And just who would know more about racing and its fans than the "acting assistant administrator for the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention"? DUH HUH!!
On second thought, could there be a Toyota Prius, Nissan Leaf and the (Neo-Edsel) aka Chevy Volt, in NASCAR's future? Just think how the planet would benefit! Isn't life a bowl of cherries after all!
Today's casual fan does not know the real story of CMS, chances are they weren't even born at the time, and they're definitely interested enough to dig up the real story, or even care. This syrupy Bruton and BoA version of 'the real' story of CMS will become the official version of history.
LOL, Dave..........historically speaking........Shallotte was named for the Shallotte (Charlotte) River, which was named for England's Queen Charlotte. Queen Charlotte was from the German province ofMecklenberg ...became the bride of the King of England back in the days when European aristocracy chose to marry across border lines to creating a political-geographical network.
Shallotte is documented as Charlotte (in traveler's diary......I crossed the river at Charlotte) in 1734, but by 1792 Methodist-circuit-riding-evangelist, Francias Asbury, recorded in his diary......the people of Charlotte, with much vulgar and impropriety, no lonerrefer to their community as Charlotte, but have vulgarized the pronounciation, and now call it Shallotte! And, furthermore, I would not visit this area with its abundance of swamps, bogs, drains, and mosquitoes, were it not for the abundance of sinners who live there!!! (LOL!!!)
But, there was another settlement in colonial North Carolina, one who's inhabitants did not corrupt their community's fact they were so impressed with Queen Charlotte, they named their county after her home province.....and that, sports fans, is why Charlotte, NC is known as the Queen City, and is located in Mecklenberg county!.
I'd agree, it's Appalachia, early spring, and late '40's to early '50's. The fact the car ('38-40 Ford) has a number, and and altered one indicates some degree of scoring sophistication, supporting a 50's date. The "7" looks to be professional (sign painter) quality, further evidence of a 50's vs. 40's time frame. The car's tires are as production-stock as the day is long, so racing's technical side had not significantly advanced.