Forum Activity for @bobby-williamson

Bobby Williamson
06/21/12 11:55:19AM
907 posts

Rule change


PKL, I thought the same thing.......the rear exhaust pipes would likely break up the tandem drafting........but I can hear the counter-arguments now......"the inherent dangers of hot exhaust pipes in the proximity of the fuel cell............. etc. etc."

Bobby Williamson
06/21/12 11:15:12AM
907 posts

Rule change


The exhaust pipes ran to the rear bumper, to prevent drafting.

Bobby Williamson
07/25/14 09:00:12PM
907 posts

Bennett Speedway

Historic Speedways and Ghost Tracks

Great work, Dennis! Thanks for sharing, the old track is plainly visible.

Bobby Williamson
06/26/12 05:35:11PM
907 posts

Bennett Speedway

Historic Speedways and Ghost Tracks

The Rumley's are still racing, and their cars are still #6!

Bobby Williamson
06/21/12 11:11:37AM
907 posts

Bennett Speedway

Historic Speedways and Ghost Tracks

Dennis, here's an image I saved from earlier this year when you were beginning your research. It's just off Carl Brady road, and the site's timber'srecently been clear-cut

Bobby Williamson
06/20/12 11:54:11AM
907 posts

Bennett Speedway

Historic Speedways and Ghost Tracks

Thanks Dennis, what a fantastic job!! Sadly, the Bennett Speedway story is hardly unique. Countless tracks, over the years, have had the best laid plans and intentions, only to not succeed. And in so many examples, the reasons for failure are so subjective. In this case, everybody went to Rockingham...........but why? And the answer is...everybody's going to Rockingham...Such heard mentalityis difficult to combat, and the other sad reality is that Rockingham eventually failed too. The race track business is one tough nut to crack. There are examples that are wildly successful, for no obvious reason, and there's even more examples of failure, even after dotting all the "I's" and crossing all the 'T's".

Bobby Williamson
06/19/12 06:53:30PM
907 posts

Shag, Myrtle Beach, Southern 500


Y'all don't watch this's plumb evil.

THE Rev. Gearld T. Stagger

Bobby Williamson
06/11/12 09:59:44PM
907 posts

The Long Reach of Bopper, Jeff & RR - Satch Worley's Log Cabin Raceway and "Momma's" Death

Stock Car Racing History

WOW! Thanks for posting that Dave............I NEVER knew! RR.comdoeshave a long arm!

Bobby Williamson
06/11/12 08:35:38AM
907 posts

10 to go, CAUTION, Where is the debris?

Current NASCAR

Could the Jimmy Johnson C-post Daytona flap, (a totally subjective-non-template-judgement-call-on-a-car-that-had-not-even-been-on-the-speedway) be explained in the same vein?........ Home Depot, after getting their corporate posteriors handed to 'um for FIVE straight years by rival Lowe's? Hmmm.

Bobby Williamson
06/11/12 07:58:54AM
907 posts

10 to go, CAUTION, Where is the debris?

Current NASCAR

Both Joey Logano's and Home Depot's NASCAR future(s) casts additional doubt as to the legitimacy of the Poconao late-race cautions. In addition to their merit, NASCAR extended the Kasey Kane-induced caution, virtually guaranteeing a non-fuel-economy finish. With Home Depot frustrated and rattling the we-won't-be-back sword, and Logano (after 4 years of being the 'next best thing since sliced bread') showing surprising strength, the way the played out kinda makes you wonder.
