My first trip to Bristol Motor Speedway
Stock Car Racing History
Bristol Motor Speedway, Waltrip Grandstands, turns 3-4, upper deck, top row, under the shade in day, only drawback was you couldn't stand up without cutting turns 1-2 off from from view with the overhang roof. I did like the TV cameras located on every beam though. A nice LED or LCD upgrade would be nice. Great facility but, the Will Call booth was not marked at all, and no roaming staff to point you in the right direction. Also, if you park anywhere other than the speedway parking lot, be sure you identify some landmarks so when you leave you find your way back, it took my military training to find the car, had to locate a narrow cut in a hedgerow at midnight to get back to the car, but watch out for the remaining barbed wire fence stomped down to ankle high, it got me, and stripped the flesh off the shin bone. All in all a good experience. Lastly, if you're out of shape DO NOT pick an upper level seat!!! Yes, it was my first "Trip" in more ways than one.
updated by @jim-wilmore: 08/08/18 10:32:04AM