Samantha's mom
My thoughts are with the family as well. I'm very sorry for your loss.
Well, "Sweet Daddy-J" I have a lot of thoughts on is always difficult to make this kind of decision. Weighing pros and cons...start up costs, planning, marketing. Online vs print form, or both? Would there be a charge for the online version?
I think the printed version would work. Why? Think of all the racing people who are not on the internet. Think of the people who still like to read the newspaper. Think of the people who do like to strut down memory lane in printed form. Even I like tosit down with a magazine or a bookwithout clicking buttons to read about a particular area of interest. Look at all the large companies who still print their own magazines who also have a great deal of info available to people online. It's all about down time for each individual. Time management.
In short, I am all for it! Sign me up and I know several others who would sign up "site" unseen!
Recently saw it on CNN. I like!
I think you may have gotten extremely hot just before running out of gas in the mowerand your thoughts turned to running out of gas on a track... Legend, I'm not ruling out Karts or anything with 4 wheels for you. Who is it that said, "Never Say Never?" Charles Dickens, Ian Fleming, Justin Bieber....hmm?
Have a great weekend!
Me too. I have no words right now.
I recently purchased a program for this track from 1964....