Stock Car Racing History
I am just not believing some of the things I am reading on this subject of DW going into the HoF.
Believe me if I had just been selected to go into the NASCAR HoF I would kiss and hug the first, second, third, etc., etc.. You do get the drift of my comment. Right???
As for DW going in this early I don't agree. Neither should Cale. Let's get some of the PIONEER's in like Raymond Parks for instance. Herb Thomas, Curtis Turner, (probably never happen), Joe Weatherly, Buck Baker, etc., etc..
But it is a fact both DW and Cale are going in. It wasn't fixed. It wasn't bought. NASCAR didn't rig it. My gosh folks look at DW's overall record. Look at the work that he has and is still doing to promote the sport. Sure he run's his mouth but he backs up what he say's. On the track and off.
And on another note. All of this bad talk about NASCAR. How about giving them some credit for all of the good they have done for racing. All of the safety innovations that have been placed on the cars and driver's have made this and all types of racing safer for all involved.
If you have never been inside one of these cars and felt the impact of your body against the safety restraints and saw asphalt, sky, asphalt, sky several times and when it finally settles down and the smoke clears you climb out unscathed then don't slander NASCAR. I have experienced what I just described and I THANK NASCAR.
I don't agree with some of their rulings etc., but I do say thank you NASCAR for what you have done. At one time auto racing in general was on the verge of being banned because of the danger involved. But because of NASCAR and it's implementing safety requirements and still doing so auto racing has survived. Thank GOD.