Forum Activity for @animal-jim-feurer

Animal Jim Feurer
05/15/13 12:08:35PM
4 posts

NHRA fines Anderson and Rickie Jones

Current Drag Racing

It prob is a good rule, especially with blowers and nitrous. But a 5 grand fine seems abusive. Perhaps some community service? LOL!!

But I never had fire in my face. I did have a couple fires.

One instanceI had that could have been bad was with WunderBird. When my 2" fuel gauge on rear of my intake under scoop ruptured at top end of run and fuel blew all over windshield on outside and also wicked up the inside of the Lexan and on me. Man I could not get stopped and out soon enough. Luckily no fire. There was fuel on Zoomies and bellhosing, firewall etc.

The windshield problem was due to slight gaps between the lower fasteners where Lexan was screwed to the 1/4" lower windshield frame and bowed. Al Schmitt fixed that with high temp silicone. That is something I look for when doing tech inspection. Many cars are still done that way.

Animal Jim Feurer
05/15/13 11:46:19AM
4 posts

NHRA fines Anderson and Rickie Jones

Current Drag Racing

To ad to the wiper / headlight thing. I have experienced my- all the time-"Auto" headlight function was not activated-when I thought it was. I know others have experienced the same.

Most those kind of laws areall about revenue! Now there is talk about lowering DUI limit from .08 to .05. because other countries have. A small person would be .05 with one drink.

Great for the tavern-Sport Bar and Dinner place business. And all the winery's. Plus ruin peoples lives over a drink or two. Times are bad enough!

I never drink and drive. I drink at home--alone--like George Thorogood. LOL! At least till that becomes illegal. Don't get me started on Prohibition. I have studied that travesty. One of the best books I read on that subject is Speak Easy by R.G. Bluemer 2003. I was keenly interested in his version because he writes about Prohibition days in my Home Town of LaSalle Peru , IL. Many of the biggest bootleggers were people I grew up in the 40s/60s to know as respected big shot business peoplein the LaSalle Peru area. One supplied Capone with most of his beer.

Animal Jim Feurer
05/15/13 09:45:04AM
4 posts

NHRA fines Anderson and Rickie Jones

Current Drag Racing

This is first I heard of the face shield fines on Rickie and Anderson. Is it true?NHRA actually fined them $5,000!I am all for safety.ButI think a warning would have been enough. Pro Stocks are door slammers not open cockpit cars. I raced slammers foralmost 50 years and with nitrous in Pro Mod. Crashed 4 times. I never had an instance that a face shield would be ness.

$5,000 is lot of money. NHRA races are not even filling some fields and barely the top 3. Duhhhh!?

I personally think--The world has gone mad!

Little town of Henry near here recently. A woman was fined $120 and costs for not having her lights on while wipers were. During the day. There again a warning would have been enough.

Animal Jim Feurer
05/28/10 02:34:09PM
4 posts

Wally Bell Show


My visit with Wally Bell June 26th. was great fun. Wally is a perfect host and interviewer. I truly hope we can do it again.

Animal Jim

updated by @animal-jim-feurer: 05/20/17 10:11:38AM