W is down 15 pounds how are you all doing? R2S project Keep digging!
YeeHawwww .. still keeping pace with you "W"

I love the new professional look. It's clean, gives the advertisers (the companies that pay the bills) a prominent spot and just overall a place for everyone to be a part of.
Any chance we might be able to get some smilies? They don't always have a place, but when a person is being taken the wrong way if they add a smiley it can change the direction of their true intention of their post.
I thank all of you left-turners for enlightening this straight-liner about your sport and for the many friendships that have evolved.
The first 3 dayson my ownwere ok but didn't get theshipment from Isagenixuntil Wednesday. Started the products on Thursday and have lost 7 lbs.in just 2 days!!!! Y'all better watch out .. I'm gunnin' for ya .. must bethe super charger with NITRO in the tank :-p
Dang Tim, I can remember quite a few of those:
1. No street shoes on the gym floor.
2. The bubble gum and penny candy at the corner store
3. The ice crystals .. although we still have them from time to time here
4. Yes to the playing out doors, but, we did wear shoes to ride our bikes and skate boards
5. Back then wasn't the saying "all real race cars have doors"? That was, until you got a look at funny cars!
6. Is a little out of my league
7. When I was a youngin' and my dad took us on Saturday night to ODS
8. No
9. No
10. No
Thanks for bringing up some fond memories of the past. I also remember being able to fill the tank for $4.00 and they still checked your oil and washed your windshield. When the first gas shortage was around and they went by your license plate number to determine which days you could purchase gas. How about getting two pennies back in the bottom of a pack of cigarettes when you got them out of a machine for a quarter. Or when you had a milkman that delivered all your dairy products once a week and the milk was in glass bottles. And who could forget the Good Humor and Mr. Frostytrucks? How about going to the Drive-In Theater? Those were the days my friend.