Forum Activity for @dave-fulton

Dave Fulton
01/24/16 11:51:02AM
9,137 posts

Tommie Clinard


Sure thinking of and praying for Tommie. Appreciate the alert, Johnny.

Dave Fulton
01/28/16 12:21:00PM
9,137 posts

NASCAR Hall of Fame Induction

Current NASCAR

Margaret Sue with "Pops" 1966. Courtesy Virginia International Raceway:

Dave Fulton
01/24/16 11:49:00AM
9,137 posts

NASCAR Hall of Fame Induction

Current NASCAR

Indeed it was. The speeches of bothMargaret Sue and Terry Labonte exuded pure C L AS S.

Dave Fulton
01/13/16 01:27:18PM
9,137 posts

RIP Charlie Binkley

Stock Car Racing History

Thoughts and prayers top friends and loved ones.

Dave Fulton
04/07/16 10:42:09PM
9,137 posts


Current NASCAR

Not unanticipated unfortunately.

Dave Fulton
01/13/16 01:25:48PM
9,137 posts


Current NASCAR

I'll reserve judgement. Don't know these folks. There's a lot more to successfully promoting races than just opening the gates, though.

Dave Fulton
01/07/16 10:20:04AM
9,137 posts

Richmond Removing Backstretch Stands

Current NASCAR

At the rate they're going, ISC will soon tear down all the seats at Richmond that we worked so hard to build back in the 90s. The news item of the latest Richmond grandstandtear downbrings tears to my eyes. I watched every one of those seats constructed on a daily basis when I was Media Relations Director at Richmond from 1990-1999. Just pitiful.

From 112,029 seats to 60,000 and they still can't sell them. What am I missing?

The entire area where fans spelled out "God Bless America " on the 10th anniversary of the 9-11 attack will be gone.

Here's what they were writing about my dear, old Richmond track a brief 13 years ago, in Feb. 2003. My, how times have changed in the Brian France decade:

Dave Fulton
01/01/16 07:28:50PM
9,137 posts

Racing History Minute - New Year's Day Racing

Stock Car Racing History

I never see the name Eastaboga that I don't think of part-time stock car racer and fulltime trucker, Johnny Ray of Eastaboga setting the world's closed course speed record for a full tractor-trailer rig at Alabama International Motor Speedway (what is now called Talladega SuperSpeedway) in 1975. I don't know what Johnny Mallonee was doing that day.
