Forum Activity for @bill-mcpeek

bill mcpeek
05/29/12 05:35:23PM
820 posts

Went to a Fight and a Race Broke Out!

Stock Car Racing History

I was running at Putnam County Speedway in Florida one time and was sitting at the entrance to the track waiting for my feature to start. I had a great view of the field and two drivers were rubbing and racing for many laps. They finally started really tearing each others cars up and one got away from the other and won his feature. As he climbed out of his car for the victory flag photo opp the other one skidded to a stop right in front of the flag stand and they went to thumping on each other really good. The announcer asked for "Security to the flag stand" and as the off duty deputy ,in uniform ran up to break it up he grabbed one guy by the shoulder who wheeled and without looking decked the sheriff's deputy on the spot. He then realized what he had done and threw up his hands and then the other guy promptly sucker punched him......oh the thrill of dirt racing in the south. lol

bill mcpeek
05/16/12 12:18:42PM
820 posts

Kurt Fined $50,000 & Probation / His Motor Coach Driver and Newman Gas Man Hit for $5,000

Current NASCAR

I used to think the gasmen, like Chocolate Myers were large guys to lift that heavy can so quickly. Now I know differently, Its to be the point man in a scuffle. lol.

bill mcpeek
05/16/12 12:46:47PM
820 posts

What's in a Photo?

Stock Car Racing History

Just my random thoughts. This is prior to 1955 in my opinion. I tried to blow up the photo to read the name on the car but its too blurred. I did notice that a lot of men on the hill were wearing hats and that was more 1947-1952 than 1955. Also the added brake/tail lights above the trunk indicates flat towing and that was more of an earlier thing. I don't see the concrete block wall on the outside towards the hill leading up to the outside guardrail. In my opinion that's just the dirt/rock side of the hill that was cut to get fill dirt to level the infield. With this flat side of the hill there was no need for guardrail in this turn. I think it is a relative new track judging from all the debris in the infield. It must have been close to a decent sized town because there's 175 people standing on the hill and 18 in the tree's. 200 folks in one turn indicates a pretty good crowd for the day. I think the tree's are Oak from looking at the leaf pattern and since the tree's are not filled out yet with new growth I'd say it was taken in April.....

bill mcpeek
05/14/12 08:34:05PM
820 posts

1960 Empire State 200 Video - #42 & #43 with World Class Tail Fins!!

Stock Car Racing History

A bit of additional info about Stewart AFB. It now has a runway that's 15,000' long and that make's it the longest in the eastern USA.

bill mcpeek
05/11/12 01:20:33PM
820 posts

May 9, 1970: A rough day for Ol' Blue at Darlington

Stock Car Racing History

Jim, What some wonderful memories. Sure sounded like a great bunch of guys to be friends with and hang out with. Thanks for sharing.

bill mcpeek
05/10/12 03:27:06PM
820 posts

May 9, 1970: A rough day for Ol' Blue at Darlington

Stock Car Racing History

Jim, I have to know. Did you ever get the RP Superbird poster replaced. I goggled it and there's several listed for sale from 1970 and 1971. With The King still around I sure hope you got it replaced with a signed replacement.

bill mcpeek
05/08/12 04:07:23PM
820 posts

What's in a photo?

Stock Car Racing History

Jack, I'll ask Ray about the engine in Larry's car. I'll also get the picture signed for you and then mail it to you. This is a great thread and has gone in several different directions, All of them wonderful memories....

bill mcpeek
05/08/12 03:41:57PM
820 posts

What's in a photo?

Stock Car Racing History

Jack, and Dave, I'll see Ray next Tuesday night at our Living legends meeting and again on Sat. the 26th for his 96th Birthday. Would either of you like me to get him to sign a copy of the picture for your collection? Bill McPeek

bill mcpeek
04/21/12 09:59:07PM
820 posts

Weather Favorable for Inaugural Vintage Championship Series in Shelby, NC Saturday


Bobby, I had really planned on bringing the ole 35 chevy coupe modified up from Orlando to run with you at The Vintage Championship Series in Shelby today but had a small problem last Tuesday 4/17/12. I was in the hospital for 4 days so figured I could get a pass by promising to come up and run with you as soon as I'm able to. I, like others are eagerly awaiting info,news and photo's. Bill McPeek

bill mcpeek
03/26/12 10:33:52PM
820 posts

Sandy Lynch

Stock Car Racing History

Dennis, Mr. Sandy Neal Lynch was born in Jacksonville, Florida 5-24-1922 and had 2 Nascar starts, Both in 1951 when he was 29 yrs old. He started 32th and finished 66th. at Darlington and fell out with a DNF after 215 laps. His only other start was at the old Macon Speedway and he was credited with a 0 lap and DNF. He would be 90 today so its possible he's still with us. I have many friends in the Jacksonville Stock Car Hall of Fame and will see if I can find anything else out about Mr. Lynch.
