The Legendary Voice of the NHRA, Dave McClelland lends his talented voice to promote The Right2Breathe NHRA COPD Screening events. Visit to learn more about the free COPD Screenings we offer.
@joe-morrison9 years ago
Thanks to the legendary voice of Dave McClelland we are reaching out to the drag racing community to raise awareness and provide free COPD screenings at race events. Please contact me if you know someone at a business who would support our efforts either financially or by providing resources so that we can help people live a better, longer life!
Thanks to the legendary voice of Dave McClelland we are reaching out to the drag racing community to raise awareness and provide free COPD screenings at race events. Please contact me if you know someone at a business who would support our efforts either financially or by providing resources so that we can help people live a better, longer life!