in reguards to tim
Johnny Mallonee
Sunday August 2 2009, 1:00 AM
i think you are going to have to search the internet and find Elvis Presleys american uligy and play it for when tim enters the building at augusta and when he leaves --- you might could also announce that Elvis--i mean Tim has entered the building also what ya think------memories ----- for sure
Team SC Midlands
@team-sc-midlands   15 years ago
Thanks, Johnny! With you handling my appearances, I'm sure to be way overbooked. Remind me to tell you my story about the Elvis American Trilogy when I see you.
Jeff Gilder
@jeff-gilder   15 years ago
Elvis......and the Legend....hmmm. That's a fair comparison.
Johnny Mallonee
@johnny-mallonee   15 years ago
o no ---here we go ----i can see this is going to maybe go down in history -------somewhere
Leon Phillips
@leon-phillips   15 years ago
I can here Tim now Thank you Thank you Thank you very much
Johnny Mallonee
@johnny-mallonee   15 years ago
yeah i know i just hope his driving suit can stand the pressure of the antics he may or may not strut to uphold his position (now what or where that position is i do not know ) ha ha ha ---its all in fun and those who do not laugh do not live life to its fullest---almost like coming out of turn 4 three abreast on the last lap-------memories
Johnny Mallonee
@johnny-mallonee   15 years ago
Hey Jeff, im not for sure but i think that the guy who drove that dang dodge at Columbia speedway back in the day and the guy i had a discussion with after the race could very well be this Elvis impersonator that seems to be the topic of discussion hmmm imagine---------more memories
Leon Phillips
@leon-phillips   15 years ago
Hey an Elvis sighting in Augusta that would make the U S A Today front page
Johnny Mallonee
@johnny-mallonee   15 years ago
hmmmm always looking for advertisement ----my hero with a dodge
Henry Jones
@henry-jones   15 years ago
Hey, we got a ghost running around the old Augusta facility! It is not Elvis but most believe it is the lady that jumped from a plane before the September 5, 1960 event and the chute failed to open. She landed in Alligator Hollow at what is now the road circuit about 100 yards from where the September 12th event will be held. Discriptions say she is walking on a cloud and has been seen in the cemetery turn area of the track. There is a grave yard just off cemetery turn so who knows! You never know, Elvis just might turn up in Augusta.
Henry Jones
@henry-jones   15 years ago
Hey Leon, when word gets out to the old fart former drivers that they can lounge around in air conditioned comfort and tell racing stories for hours I believe a bunch will show up here in Augusta. Harold Fountain spun a story (in air conditioned comfort) for about 30 minutes after the AIRPS meeting on Saturday about his first trip to Charlotte (sorry, still can not say Lowes). Funny story!
Johnny Mallonee
@johnny-mallonee   15 years ago
Harold has been known to kinda get carried away with his aintics--i heard him one night,i got to remember where first,get wound up ,we were all setting around after a race at a resturant, and he set there and spun a tale for a long time and when he finished half of us couldnt remember what he said cause we were laughing so hard we couldnt hear him ----damn i would like to relive some of those days and nights--o well maybe we can kinda have a flashback or two this year-----good memories
@devin   15 years ago
Wonder indeed. You guys are a hoot! Suspicious Minds are in the house!! :)
Johnny Mallonee
@johnny-mallonee   15 years ago
yeah but just wait ole dodge buddy when i get there all the girls will be singing VIVA LAS VEGAS
Johnny Mallonee
@johnny-mallonee   15 years ago
Leon Phillips
@leon-phillips   15 years ago
Ya Henry if we could get Jim C to bring Haskell Willingham with Harold Fountain there and all them outher drivers Thats the makeing of a good book maybe a movie
Henry Jones
@henry-jones   15 years ago
We can only image what Harold was "spinning" in this conversation at last years Augusta Vintage Nationals.
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