@dwight-hedgcoth15 years ago
i wish nascar would come off some of its many millions and give sammy and jo a little money to pay off their bills...they really need a retirement fund..sammy and jo both have many dr and hospital bills that nascar could pay off and never miss the money..i know,lots of people would ask,but where does it stop? well start now by paying off the older vets medical bills and start a medical/retirement fund for those who dont earn the big bucks...believe it or not we have drivers today that wont retire well off..
i wish nascar would come off some of its many millions and give sammy and jo a little money to pay off their bills...they really need a retirement fund..sammy and jo both have many dr and hospital bills that nascar could pay off and never miss the money..i know,lots of people would ask,but where does it stop? well start now by paying off the older vets medical bills and start a medical/retirement fund for those who dont earn the big bucks...believe it or not we have drivers today that wont retire well off..