Genuine benefit of Racers Reunion network
TMC Chase
Tuesday June 30 2009, 10:00 PM
For 2+ years, I've been on the hunt for a photo of a NASCAR Schaefer beer-sponsored race car. Finally, finally, finally, I got one. The key domino that fell for me was my joining this site. In doing so, I was able to contact D.K. Ulrich who provided me a picture of the 1981 Schaefer Buick. He owned the car, and the late Al Loquasto was the driver. That's the short version. Read more about the search at: StockCarHistoryOnline and My Bench Racing Blog

Thanks D.K. and thank to Racers Reunion for a great place to hang and trade memories, photos, trivia, etc.
Pete Banchoff
@pete-banchoff   16 years ago
Jeff has put together a site that is just outstanding! If you need something, someone on this site will help you. I've come across pictures and information that you can only find here! I'm glad you were able to find what you were looking for.Pete in Michigan
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