  Franklin, Tennessee

Curious if anyone other than @dave-fulton or myself visits this site anymore. Is it worth our bumping previous posts or contributing new ones? Re-tagging and liking many photos? A ton of new "members" have joined in recent weeks. Have seen no contributions from them. Are they real or bots? A real shame to watch what was become what is.

Dave Fulton
@dave-fulton   8 years ago
I have wondered the exact same thing, Chase. Unfortunately, the current site format just doesn't seem to lend itself to coversation and comments. I guess Facebook groups and Twitter have claimed the many former contributers. Don't have an answer, but sure do miss the robust conversations, photos and racing history lessons that once adorned this abode.
Tim Leeming
@tim-leeming   8 years ago
Yes I visit almost daily.  I admit I don't contribute as I once did but I did an entire year of history minutes which, thanks to you Chase, and you Dave, continue to float in an out.  I don't have the answer, but I miss it too.
Dennis  Garrett
@dennis-garrett   8 years ago
The old website : #1. More race fan friendly using the old website! #2. Had less bells and whistles to kept track of,  less confusing on how to posting racing photos and information! I still don't know what these small symbols in the above grey box are used for? #3. You used the old website's search box, you will get what you're looking for! The new website's search box will get you everything but what you're looking for!  #4. I could used my old XP computer on the old website? I'm using android tablets on the new website, because my old XP computer don't have enough memory for the new website? #5. I posted photos and racing information on the new website and get the following: Dennis Garrett @dennis-garrett 2 months ago
Jeff or Chase, I found out that you can't post an original large photo to the image galleries Post Your Comment. I messed the this post up, because large original comment photo + "You May Also Like" section don't work? Example: Can you delect this photo for me/I can't do it from my end. Hope the delect photo fixed this problem.
The only problem with the old website was there was an ton of old race photos that wasn't tagged! Dennis Garrett Richmond,Va.
Dennis  Garrett
@dennis-garrett   8 years ago
#5. I posted photos and racing information on the new website and get the following: Half photos and race information? Dennis Garrett Richmond,Va.
TMC Chase
@tmc-chase   8 years ago
@billy-biscoe-arustyracer Ha! I hear ya man. I work with a bit of technology every day - and this new jernt continues to bumfuzzle me a lot of times. I've taken to editing things here & there posted by others to help 'em out as I can. I'm not necessarily committed to doing so long-term or in high volume. But will do what I can. Bottom line - glad to know you are still checking here. Perhaps we've peaked with content - not sure. But I value the on-line friendships I've made here & want to see them continue in whatever capacity folks choose to visit the site. What I DON'T want to happen - and I'm afraid has - is that folks fall away simply because they aren't comfortable navigating the basics here.
TMC Chase
@tmc-chase   8 years ago
@dennis-garrett I find that 800 pixels is about as wide a pic as this new place will handle. The old site used to auto-adjust a pic to the max width. This new place sends it off screen & only shows a partial pic. Not the end of the world though. If you can adjust pics to 800 px wide by whatever tall, you SHOULD be in better shape. But yes, meanwhile, it's frustrating to upload a pic only to find half of it on screen.