Unique Hiram

1st NASCAR Trophy - Jim Roper

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Unique Hiram
@unique-hiram   15 years ago
Hey Robbie ... no, I didn't find out on that trip but I will be going back so I will let you know what he tells me.
Brandon Reed
@brandon-reed   15 years ago
Forgive me for being picky, and I certainly hope I don't sound rude, but that's not the first NASCAR trophy. That's the first Strictly Stock trophy. The first true NASCAR trophy was won by Red Byron, piloting a Ford owned by the legendary Raymond Parks on Feb. 15, 1948 on the beach at Daytona.I know I'm nit picking, but as Jim Seay and Jeff Gilder can tell you, I get pretty passionate when it comes the the Georgia Gang!Seriously, it's nice to see that the trophy is keeping it's home in Kansas rather than being another artifact in the upcoming, so called Hall of Fame in Charlotte. Kudos to the folks at the Kansas Auto Racing Museum!!!Brandon ReedGeorgia Racing History.com
Unique Hiram
@unique-hiram   15 years ago
Brandon,You are not being rude - no worries! The best part of history is learning and sharing correct information so thanks for sharing. Trust me - I have gained a lot of knowledge from my Racer's Reunion family and I am always looking to gain more knowledge. If I had enough hours in the day then I would be able to dig deeper into things BUT that's why I have you all to look to :o) Take Care!
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