Billy & Barbara Scott

Chuck Piazza At Billy Scott Retirement Banquet

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Chuck Piazza was one of the Guest Speakers at the Billy Scott Racing
Retirement Banquet in 1999, in Union S.C. Qver 500 race fans were in attendance. Because of Fire Codes, many were turned away,

Billy Scott Collection
a true race fan
@a-true-race-fan   15 years ago
chuck was one of the best - i remember him driving a dark blue 55 or 57 chevy car # 65 at shelby fairgrounds and the old concord track - he drove a fast car and allways ran up front - does anyone remember the camaro he drove # 74 - red and blue - very clean pretty car - one of the first cars to have painted roll bars - they ran windshields then and he had something that looked like you would wash dishes with , a mop on a stick with a handle - so he could reach out and clean his windshield - that car was fast - and it sounded the best - when he would let off going into the first turn a blue flame would shoot out the exhaust - man it sounded awesome - it was allways fun to watch him drive - he was very good at it .
a true race fan
@a-true-race-fan   15 years ago
there has got to be a way to get all these guys together in one place - so the fans can meet and see them - that would be so awesome - also a driver you may remember - j c eaves - j c is doing well - i think he ran some when billy was driving - he needs a mention here as well . thanks .
Billy & Barbara Scott
@billy-barbara-scott   15 years ago
Hello True Race Fan, have to mention this to Jeff and tell him the drivers you think we would like to have there, Believe he could get more of the Late Model drivers there if he would have it for them instead of the (Grand National Drivers) as they were known, back in the day. Believe he could call drivers from all the dirt and asphalt drivers of track all around and would have a larger turn out. Just thinking out loud !God bless and we love you,Billy and Barbara
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