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Jack Thomas
@jack-thomas   15 years ago
H-O-T !
@broz   15 years ago
LOL, She is... That was at Bakersfield for a Calender shoot. We made the cover plus a month inside. She hung around and I had her backing me up after the burnout. Donnie Little had the worst reaction time of his carreer (and Donnie NEVER cut a bad light) when I had her blow him a Kiss before moving to the back of my car for first round. LOL, it worked... Great memories!! Broz
@francis-butler   15 years ago
Broz great to see your name and that badd ass hot rod again ! ! ! francis butler (super chevy)
@broz   15 years ago
Hello Francis great to hear from you. How the heck ya been?
Gordon Foust
@gordon-foust   15 years ago
Hey BROZ, How did you rate that, I'm getting old but I would've remembered seeing that!!Of course after this many years she's probably old and wrinkley too.....California sun and all...?
@broz   15 years ago
Just in the right place at the right time Gordy.. LOL Remember the old " $hit box fron Hell" I think that was the best it ever looked..
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