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Found this online. Clear picture.
@bumpertag   13 years ago
Jim I don't think so. I have pictures and I looked at the car in the HOF and the white stripe and names are on that car as it sets. The other reason I don't think this is the Bonneville car is that that the scoops over the front wheel were very smooth. No seems are seen on it, this car has the stock scoops and the edge can be seen in this picture.
@bumpertag   13 years ago
Also the A pillars were different on the Bonneville car, very smooth for aerodynamics.
@bumpertag   13 years ago
This must be the car from the Motorsports Hall of Fame at Talladega. This picture was taken just outside the 4th turn id the wide drive leading to the track.
Dennis Andrews
@dennis-andrews   13 years ago
According to Steve Lehto's book "Bobby Isaac: What Speed Looks Like" the K&k Insurance #71 Dodge Charger Daytona donated by Nord Krauskopf to the National Motorsports Museum Hall of Fame in Talladega is the only survivor of 3 winged Dodges the team had and is the same car that set all the records at Bonneville. The only changes made to the car from NASCAR trim to make the Bonneville runs were taping the seams of the car with duct tape, a few suspension changes, carburetor jets and choosing the right set of tires to grip the sand.
@bumpertag   13 years ago
Lots of pictures on line of the Bonneville effort and there were several changes to the car. As I mentioned, the reversed scoops are bondoed and very rounded, not seam between the scoop and the fender can be seen at all, and the A pillars did not have the chrome covers. They were smoothed as well. Your info is incorrect. It's on line and easy to find.
@bumpertag   13 years ago
Here a picture of the car at Bonneville. Note the scoops and A pillars.
Dennis Andrews
@dennis-andrews   13 years ago
Bumpertag, The comment posted was not my info. It came from the author of the book as I stated. Not saying you are wrong, just adding to the conversation. The carmay have beengotten into show condition and not right off the salt flats.
@bumpertag   13 years ago
Dennis didn't mean to sound like I was jumping on you. It may be the same car just put back to NASCAR specs. Looked at the video of the Bonneville run and noticed a few more differences, but for sure more was done than just add duct tape and change the supension.
Robert Turner
@robert-turner   13 years ago
Is this the same car that sat in the Sunny King Ford showroom for many years along with the #27 Ford Talladega Torino. I have photos of them in there somewhere.
@bumpertag   13 years ago
Not sure Robert.
Dennis Andrews
@dennis-andrews   13 years ago
No problem Bumpertag, I find it amazing how hard it can be to trace the history of famous cars. Details that we find interesting did not seem important back then. The book I referenced had very little about the car itself in the section on Bonneville and I know for a fact that just because it is written in a book does notmake it true.
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