Chuck Piazza

K&K Chrysler Kit Car

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Harry Hyde- Prepared Dodge kit car on maiden voyage at North Carolina's Condord Speedway July 1974
Chuck Piazza
@chuck-piazza   14 years ago
The Harry Hyde-prepared Dodge kit car with Chuck Piazzaduring test sessions at North Carolinas Concord Speedway, July 1974.This was the same car driven by Bobby Unser at the Pike's Peak Hillclimb winning with a time of 13 minutes, 13 seconds, breaking his own record by 27 seconds. Bobby Unser's time stood until the 4- wheel drive Audi's in the early 80's began to dominate.
a true race fan
@a-true-race-fan   14 years ago
I was at that race - it was a day race and a 60 lap special race - you dominated that race - you made the car look like it was on asphalt - led all 60 laps - awesome performance - thank you for the pictures - i bet you didnt know you had so many fans - i am one of them - what kind of engine did the dodge have in it - it was fast - and would like to hear your thoughts on fellow driver stick elliott - were the drivers in the south different from the northern drivers .
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