Coming Up on Our Four Year Anniversary

Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts

I'm very grateful to and proud of all the contributors to our sites and radio programs. All you wonderful folks have created something that I think will be a very important part of racing history for years to come. We share an unbiased look into history with our readers and listeners form many different angles and perspectives...from car owners, drivers, crew, family, photographers, PR, media, journalism, and fans. And thanks to our contributors, we have accumulated tens of thousands of pictures, videos, and blogs. We're coming upon our 4 year anniversary (as this January and the growth here has been awesome to watch.

We learned in the first year... that with an infusion of advertising dollars we could grow RR into a large racing site very quickly. We also learned that much of the traffic that came from those ad dollars were not folks we had hoped to target. So, we discontinued advertising after 3 months. Those who were here in the beginning will remember how different the site became. We then realized it would be the members who would dictate what the site became.

I'm glad we sacrificed rapid growth for for this kind of quality content. Now, the folks who find us are looking for all the stuff we represent. This IS certainly the vision that Paul Lewis and I shared. We have in his words "Taken Racers Reunion to the other side of the mountain" from its early beginnings (started by Mr. Paul Lewis) in Johnson City, TN over 20 years ago.

Paul's vision was and is to ensure folks remember all the contributors, not just those who made the most headlines. Just think about all the drivers and racetrack history we have brought to the surface here in only 4 years.

Thanks to all of you!!

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®

updated by @jeff-gilder: 08/11/18 08:41:58AM
Tim Leeming
14 years ago
3,119 posts

I have expressed, in several Legendtorials on Tuesday nights, how I feel about this site. In reality, however, I don't think I can ever truly express what it means to me to be allowed here.I have met the most wondeful folks here, been a part of so many wonderful events because of this site, viewed so many incredible photos here that I would never have seen otherwise, and had so many other wonderful experiences because of Racers Reunion. Ann has taken an active part here as well and she will be the first to tell you she doesn't know much of anything about racing but she enjoys what she has found here. What we all derive from this site depends upon how each of us, individually, view the material. We are blessed with Ray Lamm and Ed Sanseverino, two of the finest photographers I've ever encountered to record the events we hold and to have posted countless pictures of history before us. We have contibutors like Dave Fulton and PattyKay and so many others who put a great deal of time into calling forth memories of days past as well as making us think about what is going on today. I usually don't like naming folks because I don't want to slight anyone and there are so many fine contributors here. The four I named seem to be the most regular contributors, thus the easy recall.

As for Jeff and Dustin and what they have done, I can only sit back and marvel that all of this exists because of their efforts. Every conversation I've ever had with Dustin is so upbeat and positive that it's hard to be down when Big D is on the job. His technical knowledge absolutely blows me away but I guess that shouldn't impress me that much since I have NONE at all. Jeff. What can I say about the man? He has taken Paul Lewis' idea to the next century and is making all us old fans remember the best days of racing, and hopefully, convincing some younger fans that what was onceupon a time was great and it is up to them to make it that way again. After last night at Stocks for Tots, I know there are an awful lot of young folks who like the historic perspective. I was there. I talked to them and I listened to them. I sat next to Cecil Gordon at the autograph table and it amazed me at the number of teens and early twenties guys who not only recognized him on sight, but had hero cards of his from when he drove in the 70s. I could tell Cecil was having a great time.

And, while I hesitate to mention this, I would be remiss if I did not take this opportunity to express my deepest appreciation to Jeff for making me "The Legend". When I was growing up, I dreamed of being a star in racing. As the record shows, that never happened. I fought Jeff, at first, with The Legend title but when I understood the reasoning behind it, I accepted the role. For these past three years it has been an incredible ride for me. To be able to sit next to guys like Rex White, Bobby Allison, Cecil Gordon, Gene Hobby, Paul Lewis, Johnny Mallonee and so many other TRUE Legends and sign autographs is like some surreal dream that I have come to enjoy beyond words. So, Jeff, thank you for that, and to all of you who allow me to be called The Legend, thank you for that as well.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Leon Phillips
14 years ago
626 posts

Thank you Jeff and Mr Paul Lewis for maken it happen

14 years ago
363 posts

What has been accomplished here in 4 years is truly amazing. We all enjoy and love the many stoies, fourm topics, videos and pictures, but by far what I love and appreciate about this site is the opportunity I have had to get to know some very awesome people. This is the site I come to first everyday and the last I checkbefore I head home. Many thanks to Paul and Jeff for having the vision, and many thanks to all that have contributed to making this the best website on the net. The visionwas worthy and effort is nothing short of amazing. Hats off to all.

Dennis Andrews
14 years ago
835 posts

Thank you Jeff, for creating the place we can share our racing history and for being true to the theme "Where Legends and Fans Unite".

Robin L. Agner
14 years ago
169 posts
I have truly enjoyed the time I have spent here on Racersreunion. Thanks to Paul, Jeff and everyone here for making this site what it is today.This site along with the many events has allowed me to renew old friendships and to make many new friends as well. Without this site I would have never seen a lot of the pictures that are posted here. They do bring back so many memories.Tim, last night as Tommy Buxton and I watched the line of fans and the Legends we both commented that even though some of the fans had been standing in line more than 1 1/2 hours they still had smiles on their faces. From start to finish the Legends all had smiles for them as well. It was easy to see that the fans as well as the Legends were enjoying themselves.It was truly heart warming to see the huge smile on the face of the special young man near the end of the line as he was greeted by each Legend and received their autograph.What bigger gift can you give than to put a smile on someone's face?
Cody Dinsmore
14 years ago
589 posts

Alright Jeff! Major Milestone there!

Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts

Doubling ur pay Robbie.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Frank Craig
14 years ago
71 posts

The most important part to me is this site has introduced me to a lot of good people that i am proud to know and call friends.All of us here at The Historic Speedway Group congratulate Jeff and Paul for their vision.Thanks to you all and continue success.

Dave Fulton
14 years ago
9,137 posts

My only regret about this wonderful site you and Paul Lewis have brought to us is that I missed the first several years. Many thanks to Bobby Williamson and Jim Wilmore for recommending itand staying on me to tune in on Tuesday nights. My routine has certainly been changed by RR. Save a slice of the anniversary cake, please!

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"