A quote or two from the DREAM RACE

Johnny Mallonee
13 years ago
3,259 posts

While Kurt is off for a day or two Lil Brother was off having fun,a bunch of fun, in fact he had enough that he could get on top of the car and do his BOW to his fans and haters.

The race was a blast,from my view point, and Kasey had it in the bag before he uh-oh'ed but he came back to finish 16th.

Busch's next stop is Pocono for this weekend's Sprint Cup race, but he sees how dirt-track racing could become addictive.

''I definitely wouldn't mind running at some other tracks,'' Busch said. ''But I think I've still got a Sunday day job that kind of keeps me from running too many of these races.''

I think that after seeing last nites race our favorite racing surface will never grow old,heck even Danaica was in heaven afterwards.

If you saw it what was your take???????

updated by @johnny-mallonee: 12/05/16 04:09:31PM
Max Plummer
13 years ago
89 posts


I am starting to think,this guy does understand any thing when it comes to manners.The world revolves around him and all should understand.

Johnny Mallonee
13 years ago
3,259 posts

You got to think a minute----could that drink he is holding be causing the monstrous outbreaks he has been spewing every time he gets shook up?? I mean without that hat,shirt and can he just may be a different guy,at least different looking anyway.

When Jr and Tony had Bud on their cars did they talk different???? Just wondering

Johnny Mallonee
13 years ago
3,259 posts

Ok I goofed I meant Kevin Harvick See it goes to prove IM still human.... You gonna whup me now???or later

paul crawford
13 years ago
64 posts

i really enjoyed dw's ride along w smoke....havent laughed that hard in a long time...

i wont even comment my thoughts on kurts interview..

13 years ago
36 posts

It was The Prelude to The Dream. The Dream is Friday and Saturday and pays $100,000 to win the 100 lap feature. It is a much better deal than the spectacle of overpaid cats playing (though the charitable aspect is admirable). Listening to track announcer Dustin Jarrett is a nice diversion from what you hear on the tube.