Tim Leeming
14 years ago
3,119 posts

I did get home from the grandson's soccer game today at lap 61 of the AutoClub Speedway whatever it happened to be called this year race. I was under the impression, from what I read, that the broadcast would start at 3:00 and the race would take the green flag at 4:00. Obviously that was not the case as I was here by 4:15 and they were just completing lap 61. I did not think it was as boring as previous races at Fontana, in fact, some of the racing was really close and competitive. I must it admit it would have been much more enjoyable were it not for the "vortex" emminating from the mouth of a certain individual of extremely limited intelligence who just happens to have access to a Fox broadcast microphone.

My reason for concern, and for the warning issued herewith, is what was said at the end of the broadcast today regarding Junior Johnson and Ned Jarrett appearing in Las Vegas next week with "historic" NASCAR race cars to enhance the "historic" significance of NASCAR returning to its roots. After the mention at Daytona, twice as a matter of fact, that NASCAR history begins with 1980, I would almost drive to Vegas to see what is going to be presented. However, as a card-carrying member of Racers Reunion, I cannot subject myself to the abuse of NASCAR's version of how it perceives it's roots.

So, folks, if you go to Vegas, let me know how it goes. Please, however, please beware and please watch out for the vortex!


What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

updated by @tim-leeming: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Leon Phillips
14 years ago
626 posts
I no who you are talking about i missed it i was working on my truck all day but i am sure Nascar nose who RR is be side`s they will go after the big name driver`s im sure
14 years ago
363 posts
I go to jayski and check for the start time each week. It was posted the green flag was at 3:17 and they hit the time perfectly. I love jayski!
Ricky J. Coody
14 years ago
16 posts
BOOGITY-BOOGITY-BOOGITY, Let's beware boys!!! LOL!! Couldn't have said it better Tim! Rick