Forum Activity for @ricky-j-coody

Ricky J. Coody
06/20/10 02:49:16PM
16 posts

Mr Parks

Stock Car Racing History

Harold Kinder with the green flag in hand, Big Bill ready to tap him on the shoulder for the start,Bill Jr. in the press box takin' care of bussiness, Fireball, Joe, Tim and Jocko, LeRoy, Sam,Red, Davey, ect....., lined up for the start behind Elmo in the pace car, and all the greats on pit road!!! I can see it ,hear it, smell it, and feel it!! God speed Mr. Parks and THANK YOU! Rick
Ricky J. Coody
03/11/10 05:00:22PM
16 posts

It is with deep regret and sadness that I must inform you all


Hey Tim, How do we figure out if the times changed, or have we changed that much?? LOL!! Rick
Ricky J. Coody
03/07/10 03:54:00PM
16 posts

Special for all my Racers Reunion Friends. Act quickly!!!!!


Hey Johnny, I think that chargeing money for autographs is a really bad example for our future athletes (drivers) and I hope the race car drivers never start doing that. I never felt so priviledged when I was asked for an autograph and gladly "gave" to our sport! So many kids look up to all athletes and they should be careful of the examples they set! Rick johnny mallonee said:
Ricky,wait till you do a reunion like cola or augusta or another one i have wore out a pen last year signing autographs--Tim and myself were signing one after another in augusta after people decided we were not gonna fight but its kinda neat knowing that people will walk up to u and ask for your picture or autograph ----better days are coming sir

Ricky J. Coody said:
Our hearts must go out to these poor unfortunate athletes that "sacrifice" so much! IN A PIGS EYE, or other end!! I quit watching pro baseball 20 or so years ago,( the poor multi-millionaire strike) followed by pro football, and now don't like the idea of possiblely boycotting NCAA ball, it's all I have left! I remember the first of very few times I was asked for an autograph,I didn't know what to think or how to react until I looked at this kid and saw a future race car driver that will carry on our sport!! We can only hope and pray that our athletes don't stoop to such lows and become the "the south end of a north bound JACK........!!!" Rick
Ricky J. Coody
03/07/10 01:10:19PM
16 posts

Special for all my Racers Reunion Friends. Act quickly!!!!!


Our hearts must go out to these poor unfortunate athletes that "sacrifice" so much! IN A PIGS EYE, or other end!! I quit watching pro baseball 20 or so years ago,( the poor multi-millionaire strike) followed by pro football, and now don't like the idea of possiblely boycotting NCAA ball, it's all I have left! I remember the first of very few times I was asked for an autograph,I didn't know what to think or how to react until I looked at this kid and saw a future race car driver that will carry on our sport!! We can only hope and pray that our athletes don't stoop to such lows and become the "the south end of a north bound JACK........!!!" Rick
Ricky J. Coody
02/27/10 06:09:22PM
16 posts



Now Dr. Janice, You know how a lot of us "HE-MEN" are now that our arm's not long enough to read 2" letters on a page!! LOL!!! Naw, you make a very important point, as we "experience" more of life we should celebrate each day as a gift from God and be thankful for our health, family, and GREAT friends! The racing world and Racers Reunion are not only friends to my wife and I, they are family too!! Thank you for reminding us! Rick
Ricky J. Coody
02/25/10 10:17:14PM
16 posts



BOOGITY-BOOGITY-BOOGITY, Let's beware boys!!! LOL!! Couldn't have said it better Tim! Rick
Ricky J. Coody
02/14/10 04:07:49PM
16 posts

Matt Hirschman,Jeff Choquette Win Memorials At New Smyrna Speedway


Thanks Mike, Couldn't make it to NSS this year, but reading your reports was the next best thing!! Rick
Ricky J. Coody
02/07/10 05:41:04PM
16 posts

Ted Christopher Wins Opening Night At New Smyrna


Thanks a million Mike!!! I miss being being there so much, LOVE that track and loved racing there too!! Moved to Statesville N.C. in 2007 from Bradenton Fla., and as you have time, please keep us posted!! Rick Coody
Ricky J. Coody
02/05/10 09:53:04PM
16 posts

A racing quote by a famous driver


Hey Johnny, I can really relate to that!! I've had that experience more than a few times!! LOL!!! Rick
Ricky J. Coody
02/03/10 08:25:02PM
16 posts

Fantastic "Jim Hunter" show!!


Sorry about that Jim, I sure didn't mean to leave you out!! Thanks Ray! Absent minded Rick