
Jeff Gilder
11 years ago
1,784 posts

I offer this anonymously..for now. Opinions are perhaps the most potentially volatile privilege we share. If it were not for opinions and the passion that fuels them, most sports...especially NASCAR racing would have failed early. Stating an opinion often makes the opinionated a target. Risky? Yes! Necessary? Yes! But, everyone's right, for sure. As for posting here on this site...opinions are certainly accepted and furthermore encouraged! Harsh criticism toward other's opinions...unwelcome! The escalation that often results from harsh criticism...extremely unfortunate!

Those of us who frequent this site have seen the damage this sort of thing can do to the site. I've seen other sites completely destroyed by unmoderated criticism and escalating unrest.

I just now re-read "The Rules of Engagement" posted here on the site. Written a few years ago, they still apply. If ever you consider harshly criticizing another's opinions...please read the Rules of Engagement first. CLICK HERE if you have not read them...or have trouble finding them. No one likes being exposed to discontent. It is my intent for folks to post their opinions freely. I you disagree with another opinion...what's wrong with saying, "If respect yours, here's mine"?

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®

updated by @jeff-gilder: 12/05/16 04:02:57PM
bill mcpeek
11 years ago
820 posts

well put Jeff. should be easy to follow....

Tim Leeming
11 years ago
3,119 posts

As everyone who knows me will acknowledge, I am one VERY opinionated person. I always express those opinions, sometimes very strongly. I like to think that when someone disagrees with me I show them the kind of respect to which Jeff refers here. There are many times I state something in a Legendtorial and I get the e-mails either praising what I said, or really giving me a different point of view. I must say, with very rare exception, even the critical e-mails are set out in a courteous and thoughtful manner. Seems most folks know how to disagree respectfully and they will certain get that respect in return.

There are times, and we all know this is true, when someone really goes out of their way to be rude, even crude, to the point of really making mewant to respond in kind. I may have done that a few times over my membership here, and, if so, I apologize to anyone who may have been offended. However, I do not think that is the case as all but a handful are those with whom I have been corresponding for at least three or four years.

Quick story, without mentioning names. There is a member here with whom my only encounter had been through posts on the site. There were times when my responses to things written by this individual were less than kind, although I don't believe they were ever abusive or insulting. I had the occasion a few months back of meeting this individual face-to-face at an event and that was one of the most enjoyable encounters I had in a long time. The individual and I now correspond from time to time as schedules permit and I treasure what I'm learning. Point is, I could have missed a golden opportunity to broaden my knowledge had I persisted in confrontational encounters.

There are those, and we all have them in our lives, who simply "rub you the wrong way". I think my biggest issue in that regard would be the self proclaimed "know it alls" who insist they are never wrong even when provided incontrovertible proof of their error. My simple response to those folks is I cease to communicate. I do not have to communicate with those I choose to ignore. That works for me.

As Jeff said, we have a great and wonderful site here with some really fantastic members. I don't agree with every one. Bill McPeek responded here before I did and he and I are on opposite ends of the earth on certain issues but we remain good friends, for which I am very thankful. Even Jeff and I have our differences of opinions but he has only deleted my membership ONCE since I joined the site so in that I am fortunate.

So, I have forgotten the patriot who said it, and I'm too lazy to look it up tonight, but as close as I can recall the quote "I may not agree with your opinion, but I will defend to the death your right to state it". I believe that, I appreciate that, and that is simply what makes any collection of folks with a common interest survive.

If you've read this far, thanks. Now let's keep the door to constructive comments open.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Dave Fulton
11 years ago
9,138 posts

Now that Jeff has reminded us of our obigations and duties to be civil with each other here at RR, I guess I can finally feel safe to come out of the closet and let Legend know that I drive a 4Runner before he sees me in it and bashes in the windshield or worse! To quote another patriot, "Full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes!"

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Charles Ray Stocks
11 years ago
222 posts

i always respect other peoples opinions i might not agree with all of them but they have a right to theirs as do everyone else does and i appreciate every one here on racers reunion and i try not to offend any one here

Tim Leeming
11 years ago
3,119 posts

Ok, Fulton, I've pulled out my baseball bat for the windshield of that vehicle you drive! I know where you live so beware!!!!!

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Tim Leeming
11 years ago
3,119 posts

Charles Ray, you are indeed a true gentleman at all times. You are a huge asset to this site. Thanks for being around.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

JAck Redd
11 years ago
111 posts

I second and third the motion! Tell it like it isor don't say anything!

That is my opinion and I am sticking to it!

Johnny Mallonee
11 years ago
3,259 posts

Does this mean that Sparkle Pony can bump and run now with no protection of Tims bat?

Tim Leeming
11 years ago
3,119 posts

Dave Fulton and his 4Runner are the only ones to be afraid of "the bat" at the present time.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

11 years ago
167 posts

Jeff, Tim, Daveand others that I have not met.......... I think Jeff's comments are right on the money and to the point, but it is unfortunate that they have to be spoken at all.

One of the reasons that I do not post more is my concern for the way I am received without the benefit of my facial expressions. I love life and have had a great one and want to make those around me enjoy life as well, but I am certain that my spoken/written words are not always taken in their intended context without the benefit of my smile, eye movement and nod of the head. I had a GREAT time at the RR in Hillsboro where face to face was readily available.

It is also hard for me to interpret some of the things I see here because having lived thru some of it, I cannot fathom where some of the thinking comes from. My Cup career was modest at best,but the press treated me EXTREMELY well, and I attribute that to the fact that the press at that time actually travelled to the races, often eating with us and occasionally helping us with minor projects at the track. They were aware of the hours worked, the miles driven, the late nights and the all-nighters.

When I see comments made about something someone saw on TV, told to them by analysts high atop the grandstands It is hard for me not to bristle a little bit. No one on TV nor the analysts can judge a decision that was made and not take into concern the possibility of what might haveinfluenced that decision. I have made tire decisions based on the fact that I had a lug nut jammed and did not want NASCAR to know about it, or crewmember was on loan to another team that was running ahead of us. Decisions based on the weather forecast as seen on TV are not as reliable as one from a Doppler installation technician, is everyone on the NASCAR radios on the samechannels?, etc.Many decisions can and are made based on contingency payments from sponsors, etc. Each of the folks making these decisions have made commitments to dozens of supporters, suppliers, the income, safety and welfare of the entire team are often have to be accounted for. All this in 105 degree heat, a raging headache, fresh stitches fromearlier pit incident while monitoring fuel mileage, tire staggerand track conditions. NASCAR and TV folks have the same type of issue at play LIVE, not AFTER the race, not reading it in the papers. I can speak with authority, that I surely did NOT make all good decisions under those conditions, but you learn to make them as best you can. Making a decision with that type of pressure in front of 150,000 folks watching seems to me, somewhat different than typing the next morning.

Monday morning quarterbacks are paid EXACTLY what they are worth!

I did not intend to ramble, nor are my comments meant to change anyone's mind or to confront any one else'scomments, but merely gently presenting my perspective. Everyone is entitled to present their opinion, just as those receiving it are entitled to respect.

I am looking forward to the possibility of a RR trip to the HOF, and am looking forward as well to the next RR at Hillsboro. After the last visit, I came home with a renewed enthusiasm to finish and old Model A / dirt car 'replica'.

here is a link: http://www.mantiquesresto.com/Projects/Projects2.html

click on one of the two top pictures on either side of the wording.

Dave Fulton
11 years ago
9,138 posts

I have found my old combo Bell & Howell 8mm / Super8 movie projector and I think the bulb works - I haven't tried it yet. Could we call a truce if it works and makes its way to Columbia for a while?

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Charles Ray Stocks
11 years ago
222 posts

i appreciate the kind words tim it is apleasure for me to be a member of this site and to talk to all the members i hope to meet alot of them soon as i had the pleasure of meeting you tim last fall at hillsboro nc

Tim Leeming
11 years ago
3,119 posts

Can't wait to hear if the bulb works. I would definitely call a truce under those circumstances. Don't you wish it was that easy with North Korea?

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

Russell Rector
11 years ago
80 posts

Thank you Jeff for reminding ALL of us that we have opinions and that ALL of us need to respect other's opinions.