Fox 24 Coverage of Jeff Smith Chevrolet Middle Georgia RacersReunion

Jeff Gilder
14 years ago
1,784 posts

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®

updated by @jeff-gilder: 12/05/16 04:00:58PM
14 years ago
622 posts
Great to see the news report! Thank you for posting it.
Cody Dinsmore
14 years ago
589 posts
Hey! That is awesome! I'm so excited!
Leon Phillips
14 years ago
626 posts
Man thats great i no them people in GA have got to be proud
Tommie  Clinard
14 years ago
209 posts

Just to clarify my statement about outrunning Bill Elliott.

This was just after Bill got started in racing and long before he was known as Awesome Bill.

But I will still stick by my statement. " I used to outrun Bill Elliott."

By the way this was a great piece that Fox 24 Macon did on the upcoming Racer's Reunion.

Also thanks to Jeff Smith Chevrolet for coming onboard as the Title Sponsor of the Reunion.

Hope that everyone will come out as it will be a GREAT event. See Ya There.

Jack Walker
14 years ago
162 posts
Nice !!
Tim Leeming
14 years ago
3,119 posts

Awesome coverage. Congratulations guys, you really ramped that up well.

And Tommie, no need to clarify! You are DA MAN!!!! You are Racers Reunion's hometown hero! Can't wait to see you and the rest of the gang.

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.