Bernie Biernacki
14 years ago
3 posts

On-line entities, websites, bloggers, TV and a rotten economy tanked National Speed Sport News.

Early on there were many regional racing papers - east, west, north, south - all over. But if you wanted to learn what was happening nationwide, you had to read NSSN. I first subscribed in the early 1960s, latter I even bought older editions. God! I wished I had saved them. In early 1976 I was out of work and hunting for a job. I talked with Chris Economaki. He read a piece I did in Stock Car Racing about Bay Darnell (a USAC stock car driver) and liked it. I was desperate for a job and when he offered it, I said yes and drove out to New Jersey. It was a virtual whirlwind of auto racing copy from all over and all kinds. You started editing on Monday and went straight through to Tuesday evening, then laid out the pages - cold type, thank you. You would answer the phone and it could be Roger Penske, Mario, Bobby Unser or a driver from Massachusetts or Oklahoma. They all wanted to talk with Chris. I stuck it out until I found a good job back home in Illinois.

For several years I continued to subscribe. Then Like so many others I slipped away. As many of us old-timers, who still cherish the feel, smell and explosiveness of hard-copy journalism, fade away, the younger among us are "wired" onto electronic news. Daily and weekly newspapers are shrinking and many are disappearing, the same goes for magazines. I can easily remember when you could get great racing stories and pictures in Motor Trend, Road & Track and Car & Driver. Not so today.

The world changes and many old friends are swept away. Sad.

updated by @bernie-biernacki: 12/05/16 04:00:58PM
Robert Turner
14 years ago
88 posts
I had the pleasure of having photos published by the NSSN. I don't exactly know how they got the photos but I was shooting for three or so other papers at the time and he may have borrowed the shots from them. I just happened to pick up a NSSN somewhere and looked down and saw the photos with my by line. I didn't subscribe as I was getting the other papers and a couple of mags. I don't know if there were ever any more of my stuff but I would have been and was proud to be in the publication. Although I never got to carry on a conversation with him I was around Chris at many races and saw the respect others had for him.
Mike Kuver
14 years ago
18 posts
Sad seeing it happen but with the world moving away from newspapers and magazines to the internet, it's eventually going to get to the point where there's little if any paper newspapers, magazines, or books left. Eventually the move to the internet will affect TV too. ALMS broadcast their races on the internet. We're seeing bits and pieces of it happening with NASCAR. Eventually folks will hook up their computers to their TV's instead of using cable, sattellite, or theopen airwaves to get their shows. Streaming media is on the upswing right now and there doesn't seem to be anything to slow it down except maybe bandwidth.